Course Syllabus

See the link for ALL the information. Link


I’m really looking forward to working with you this year! 

781-446-6290 x4331

Your communication is ALWAYS welcome. :) Please don’t hesitate to speak directly to me when you have a concern or email if you’re experiencing a question from home. Your communication and engagement will provide you access for meeting class goals. Have a great year! 



1 - ¿Es Constante la Identidad? - Is identity a constant? 

[Expressing some details about your own identity and evaluating if identity stays the same or if some things affect and change it over time and with different experiences.]

2 - ¿Qué es una buena comunidad? - What makes a good community? 

[Describing your own community and what makes a good community.]

3 - ¿Cómo alcanzo las metas? - How do I reach my goals?

[Defining goals and the steps it takes to reach goals.]

4 - Necesito ir a la enfermera - I need to go to the nurse.

[Expressing physical discomfort and getting medical help.]

5 - El próximo año - Next year

[What are you going to do next year and recommendations for that path.]



*Comunicación This is a language class, so we will be practicing various modes of communication and you are expected to be an active participant in interpretive, presentational, and interpersonal tasks. I will hold you to high expectations in terms of communicating your questions and doubts, too.

*Compromiso You are expected to maintain a commitment to your progress. That means that you will study, ask questions, seek help, and complete assignments diligently.

*Respeto You are expected to be respectful of the teacher’s lessons, other students, individual learning styles and pace, and of yourself. This means you are attentive to speakers, patient, participate in a variety of learning activities, and hold yourself and your classmates to high standards of accountability.



*Organización You will not have a book, but you will receive packets and individual papers that should come with you to class every day. For materials, you must have a binder, white lined paper, and a pen or pencil every day. I recommend a transportable 3-hole punch as well. 

*Puntualidad You must be in class with your materials and ready to begin class when the bell rings. 

*Tarea If homework is not completed on the day it is due, it is considered missing. Homework is not assigned nightly.  

*Teléfonos celulares See phone policy provided separately. If I see or hear your phone during a class, it will be removed and delivered to the assistant principal.

*Español You are required to practice your Spanish in class. This means that you are expected to use Spanish with your classmates, as well as with me sometime after late fall. You may ask, in Spanish, to speak in English, but permission will not always be granted.  :-) 



*Ayuda You are the one learning. You are accountable to yourself to seek help when you need it. You are accountable for seeking help before the last minute. Please see the Spanish Help Lab schedule. 

*Evaluaciones Please refer to the back of this letter for category weights and descriptions. You will also see that your final grade for the year is weighted. Each term increases in weight as more content has been covered and therefore performance is more demanding. Ask questions any time you are unsure of something. 

*Ausencia If you are absent from class, you are responsible for seeking the missed assignment(s) and delivering it within 2 days of your absence. 

781-446-6290 x4331



Course Summary:

Date Details Due