Course Syllabus

Instructor: Dr. Kaczmarek


Office: 358


Dear Students and Families,


Welcome to sophomore year and Chemistry 21! My fellow chemistry teachers and I have developed a curriculum that is challenging and fun. Chemistry is an extremely rewarding science; a strong understanding of chemical principles will not only serve you very well in your future scientific studies, but it will enrich your appreciation of the materials you encounter in your everyday life. The general topics we will cover are:

Semester 1 Sequence:

Semester 2 Sequence

Chapter 1: Introduction to Chemistry
Chapter 2: Analyzing data
Chapter 3: Matter - Properties and Change
Chapter 4 / 5: The Structure of the Atom          
Chapter 24: Nuclear Chemistry
Chapter 6: The Periodic Table and Periodic Law
Chapter 7:Ionic Compounds and Metals
Chapter 8: Covalent Bonding
Chapter 9: Chemical Reactions
Chapter 10 / 11: The Mole and Stoichiometry
Chapter 12/13: States of Matter and Gases
Chapter 14: Mixtures and Solutions          
Chapter 15: Energy and Chemical Change
Chapter 16: Reaction Rates
Chapter 17: Chemical Equilibrium
Chapter 18: Acids and Bases
Chapter 19: Redox Reactions

In addition to lectures, readings, and homework, we will use a number of hands-on activities and labs to allow students to fully experience the material. There will also be some independent projects, including a major research project during the second semester. I expect students to work hard, have fun, and ask lots of questions.




1. Textbook

Students will be provided with the Chemistry: Matter and Change.  Students will be given a hard copy of the textbook as well as provided with access to an online version.  Students will be asked to complete readings, online assignments, and activities using this resource. Students must return their textbook in June at the completion of the course or pay for a replacement.  The cost of this book is $100.

2. Three Ring Binder

The binder should be 2” thick and have a transparent sleeve in the front cover.

3. Scientific Calculator

Students need to bring their calculators to every class. Cell phones cannot be used as calculators.

4. Pens and Pencils

5. Closed-toe shoes

For safety, students must wear closed-toe shoes to every class. Keep a pair in your locker.


If you are more than 10 minutes late you will receive a cut. Lab for this class starts at 7:30 AM. At this time traffic can be heavy in the circle; this is not a valid excuse for tardiness. We will sometimes take a short break during double block; students will be marked tardy if they do not return to class by the designated time. If you have a written excuse for being late, take it to the office before coming to class. If you are late without a written excuse, come directly to class.

Missing class

If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to get the assignments you missed and to make them up withing two days of your absence (missed labs have to be made up before the next lab block).  If you are absent the day an assessment is given, then you are expected to schedule a time to make-up the assessment imediately upon your return to school (even if your class does not meet the day you return). 


To succeed in this class, you must choose to stay focused and involved in every class, offering your best comments, questions and answers. Take ownership of your learning and give your best effort every day! Raise your hand, ask questions, help a neighbor. You will be working in groups often, so get involved. Don't take the back seat and let your peers do the work for you.


Homework will be assigned alsmot every night to give students independent practice opportunities. This is your time to practice and see if you can solve problems on your own. We will discuss most homework assignments on the day they are due. You should have tried all problems for the largest benefit. It does not help you to copy down the answers in class without trying them yourself first. Don't be afraid to make mistakes - you will learn from them!

Be respectful and honest!

This classroom is to be a safe environment. Disrespectful comments will not be tolerated/ As a class, you will be learning from and working with each other. It is expected that everyone commincates ina polite, professional manner. Treat others the way you want to be treated! If you feel there is a problem that needs to be addressed, please speak to me immediately about it.

Cheating, in any form, is never worth it. Please read the Student Handbook regarding teh School's policy on aademic integrity. 


You will be handling hazardous chemicals in this class, so it is imperative that the class environment remains calm and quiet. No running, sitting on lab benches, or roughhousing of any kind. Safety glasses must be worn at all times during lab. There will be no food, drink, or gum in lab.


Grading Policy:

            The final grade for Honors Chemistry will be calculated according to the following breakdown.

Item Weight
Semester 1 50 %
Semester 2 50 %
Final Exam / Experience TBA
Overall Grade 100%


Semester Grade Details:

  • Test and Quizzes : The format of exams in this course may vary depending on the topic we are covering. Tests are given at the end of each unit and will cover all of the learning goals in that unit. Expect 2 tests and 0-2 quizzes per term. Tests are usually worth 100 points, and quizzes range from 5 to 50 points. Additionally there will be a Semester 1 and Semester 2 Final. More information will follow in class.


  •  Labs and Activities: Completed lab reports and class activities will be collected on the day of the lab or the next day that the class meets depending on the lab depth. Each lab partner must turn in an individual lab report. Unfinished labs can be turned in for half credit until the day of the exam on that unit. Labs turned in after this point will not receive credit. Lab reports will generally be worth 20-30 points.



  • Homework: 
 Homework will be assigned most nights and is due the following class. Homework will be checked in class. Students are expected to stay on top of the material and be ready to participate in classroom discussions. Some homework assignments will be collected and are worth 5-20 points depending on the complexity of the assignment.



  • - Diagnostic Quizzes: After each chapter there will be a diagnostic quiz. Diagnostic quizzes do not count toward the grade. The purpose of a diagnostic quiz is to assess your current mastery of the material; it is an important source of feedback for both student and teacher. If you do poorly on a diagnostic quiz, it is highly recommended that you come in for extra help.


  • Final Experience:  All students in Chemistry must complete a Final Experience during second semester. 


Contacting me:

If I am not teaching a class, I can often be found in the science office, room 358. The best way to get in touch with me is via email (; teachers in the science department do not have individual phones. I check my email daily, but my voicemail rarely. My schedule is posted on the classroom door.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due