Course Syllabus

Honors Biology: Expectations, Policies and Procedures
Please remember that the policies, rules and expectations outlined in the WHS Student Handbook apply to students at all times.

As Juniors or Seniors, you can choose your own organizational strategy.  You will be taking notes and getting a combination of digital and paper handouts.  Please bring your computer and earbuds/headphones to class every day. Some students find an SATII Biology Review Book helpful.

     Textbook: Campbell Biology Concepts & Connections, 8th Edition (return at the end of the school year or provide the $140 replacement cost)


There is a calendar on Canvas that will be updated regularly.  If you are absent, please check here for assignments. All class work (power points, worksheets, copies of labs, etc.) can be found here as well.

Student Evaluation:
Grades are determined by averaging and weighting all work assigned during the school year.  The categories and approximate weightings are: (these weightings may change during IRP time)

Tests and Quizzes: 50% Labs: 35% Homework/classwork/participation 15%

*There will also be cumulative assessments covering material from  Semester 1 and Semester 2*  

Group work:

Students will be collaborating on several labs and projects throughout the year.  It is critical that each and every student communicate with their group members and take active roles during these types of assignments.  Please take responsibility for your important contributions to group work!

Students are responsible for any material or assignments missed during an excused absence from school.  If it is known ahead of time that you will be absent, please inform me so that we can make arrangements for any missed HW, classwork and/or labs.  An unexcused absence will result in a 0 for any classwork, quizzes, tests, or labs. Remember: Communication is a key for success!


Lab for this class starts at 7:45 AM.  Students that are more than 10 minutes late will receive a cut.  If you have a written excuse for being late, take it to the office before coming to class. If you are late without a written excuse, come directly to class.   All attendance policies outlined in the student handbook will be followed.

Academic Honesty/Integrity:

Please be clear that cheating, copying HW, plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will NOT BE TOLERATED.  If they should occur, a failing grade for that particular activity will be assessed. The appropriate housemaster will be contacted as well as parents/guardians.  It is better to take the penalty for lateness than to compromise your integrity. 

We will follow MCAS testing conditions for all tests and quizzes. All electronic devices (including phones, laptops, smart watches, etc.) will be put away in your backpacks and placed at the front of the classroom.  If you are observed with an electronic device during a test or quiz, it will be an automatic zero for the assessment.  

Cell Phone & Laptop Use Policy:

Occasionally, phones will be used as tools (for instance the camera is valuable for data collection) but usually they should be out of sight and out of mind.  The use of laptops will be frequent. The appropriate use of technology is expected and the district technology agreement & BYOL acceptable use policy will be adhered to at all times.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due