Course Syllabus

Bienvenidos a la clase de Español 3ACP (amarilla) de la profesora Barrientos.

A.Rules for the Spanish Class

Listed below you will find the rules for participation in the class and the consequences for not obeying them.

1.Classes always begin at the appointed time.  Students are not allowed to come in late and it is their  responsibility to know when they are to be in class. They are expected to be in their seat with writing materials, notebook, etc.  at the beginning of each class.

2.The use of English in the class is strictly prohibited.  Students’ grade will be lowered at the end of the term if English is spoken.  Students will fill out their own self evaluation form.

3.Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class and it will never be accepted late.  Any missed quizzes, tests and assignments due to absence from school must be made up WITHIN 2 days of the student’s return to school  (see Students Handbook) If work is not made up within this time frame, the student will receive a grade zero for the work missed. It is the student’s responsibility to ask the teacher for work missed.  

4.Homework, quizzes, and major assessments will be announced in the calendar with days in advance.  That will help students be prepared for each class, to ask questions and come for extra help before evaluations.  If a student needs to come for extra help he/she should NOT wait until last minute. Extra help is posted in class and it is given in room 155.  Students need to make an appointment directly with their teacher in case they need to talk to her privately. Ms. Barrientos is not here after school on Fridays.

5.Absolutely NO FOOD in the classroom.  Liquids are accepted.

6.All grades will be assigned based on the Classical and Modern Language Department Rubrics and the teacher will use sequential grading.

7.Students need to buy a binder to keep notebook and worksheets.

8.Electronic devices must be turned off and kept out of sight at all the time.

9.Students need to ask permission to their teacher to go to the bathroom, sign out and leave their phone in teacher’s desk.  Only one student will be allowed to go.

10.During ASSESSMENTS students are not allowed to go to the bathroom unless it is an emergency.  Students are encouraged to go before or after the assessment.

 B. Activities in class

We review homework at the beginning of each class.
We do Listening, Writing, Speaking, Reading practices
Create conversations
Use to language lab
Watch videos from real life and movies (to teach culture and history of some countries of Latin America
Salsa class 
Play games to review material
Use web sites especially:

Spanish Club Everyone is welcome to joing the Spanish club.  

C. Grading

Grades are posted on line as soon as they are available.  Please check them regularly.  

How is each term weighted in my year end grade?

 Term 1 =       14%

Term 2 =       22%

Term 3 =       29%

Term 4 =       35%

Please see student handbook for more details.

 D. Extra help

Sra. O'Neil  room #155.  She gives extra help from 7:30-8:29 days 1,2, 4,5,7,.  In addition, if students need to talk to their teacher privately, students should communicate with her with at least two days in advance to make sure she is available. Ms. Barrientos is not here after school on Friday.  