Course Syllabus

Welcome to Algebra 2 Finance 1 A2F1 Orange

Expectations and Cell Phone Policy:A2F1 Course Expectations 2019-20.pdf

Link to Math Lab Schedule:Math Lab Schedule_ 2019 - 2020.pdf

Grading for Juniors:

Terms 1-4: 22% of final course grade

Final Exam: 12% of course grade


Everything for this class is under the day it happens. Check out the calendar!

Year 3 of the CP curriculum offers a course designed to reinforce student understanding of skills related to operations with decimals, fractions and percentages. This course continues to develop student understanding of core Algebra II concepts and introduces topics related to personal financial literacy. Algebra II families of functions explored in this course are the linear, quadratic and exponential families of functions. The personal financial literacy component of the course will focus on topics related to understanding income and money management. Scientific calculators will be used throughout the year in this course and are required.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due