Course Syllabus


 Welcome to Beginning Spanish B!  ¡Bienvenidos a tu clase de español!

Instructor:  Maria DiPietro, room 331

Contact Information:


Libro de Información

(all the details!)


Materials required for class every day:

• computer with a full charge

• headphones

• your class workbook (open on desktop or on paper)

• a pen or pencil

• a folder or binder (Google folder or physical one)


How can I get help in Spanish?

• Ask a question or just say "I need help!" :-)

• Email your teacher ( or speak with her to make an appointment for help, either with her or with the Spanish Help Lab team.

• Follow through with the teacher recommendations. 

•••••Please note: At this time, office hours are by appointment. Just email me. Flexibility will be offered in multiple windows of time.•••••


Units - Unidades

1 - ¿Cómo se forma la Identidad? - How is Identity Formed? 

[Express details about your own identity and evaluate what influences identity.]

2 - ¿Qué es una buena comunidad? - What makes a good community? 

[Describe your community and what makes a good community.]

3 - ¿Cómo alcanzo las metas? - How do I reach my goals?

[Define goals and the steps it takes to reach them.]

4 - Necesito ir a la enfermera - I need to go to the nurse.

[Express physical discomfort and get medical help.]

5 - El próximo año - Next year

[Plans for next year and recommendations for that path.]

Course Summary:

Date Details Due