Course Syllabus


Find the ZOOM link here 

Extra help  You can always make an appointment for extra help with me via ZOOM or email.

Other things that you can do during office hours:

I can let my teacher know what is working and not working.

I can practice speaking skills with my language teacher.

I can do a speaking performance with my teacher and receive immediate feedback.

I can conduct an interpersonal exchange with a friend and receive immediate feedback.


✏ Spanish CANVAS Modules (Units)

✏ Laptop computer / device

✏ Headsets, earbuds, etc.


I expect you to speak in Spanish during the class.

I expect you to put away your cell phone at the beginning of class.

I expect you to be respectful and responsible students.

I expect you to help other students meet the class standards.

I expect you to come to class prepared with the materials you need to do your work.

I expect you to pay attention and participate actively.

I expected you to ask questions when you don’t understand.

I expect you to complete all assignments and assessments on time.

You will be marked tardy to class if you are not in your seat or online at the beginning of a class.

You will be marked as unexcused absent if we are remote and you are not online during the entire class period

Absence Policy

I expect you to attend class every day. However, in the event of an excused absence, it is your responsibility to check the CANVAS site and contact your classmates to find out what you missed.

Any assessments that you missed due to an excused absence must be made up within 48 hours of your return to WHS.

Use of Technology

Class time will be spent acquiring language. When you are absent, you are not practicing or acquiring the material. You will have to spend a similar amount of time at home in order to make up the learning that you have missed.

Since classes, lessons and assignments are regularly posted on CANVAS, assignments must be always completed and submitted through CANVAS.

Your grade will be determined by how your performance (how you use the language) compares to the standard(s) expected for each category described below. More detailed expectations will be given for each performance assessment.Performance Grade Categories

A         Advanced      

You are confident and go beyond the standard(s). 

B         Proficient      

You regularly meet the standard(s) without any help.

C         Developing   

You meet the standard(s) in a basic & simple way.      

D         Emerging      

You can do some things, but still need help meeting the standard(s).

F         No attempt    

You have not done enough to be evaluated against the standard(s).

The target proficiency levels and the corresponding expectations for speaking, writing, reading, and listening will vary depending on the unit of study and the time of year. Please be aware of the learning targets, can do statements and the rubrics for each performance assessment.

Units of Study

Semester 1: How Am I Unique?

• I can exchange introductory information with others.

• I can describe myself and others.

• I can describe my typical school day.

• I can ask and answer questions about what people do in their free time.

Semester 2: What does family mean to me?

• I can express what a family is and who I consider to be part of mine.

• I can explain my family traditions and compare them to the traditions of others

Course Summary:

Date Details Due