Course Syllabus

Power Up - Personal Safety
Confidence-Power-Safety: This semester class will give you the skills to take control of your life. We teach you to stay calm and focused, and to appropriately respond in the moment of fear and intimidation. This class will help you negotiate peer culture and offer skills to address bullying, while also teaching you to manage your body's natural response to stress. Topics we will cover include: boundary setting, assertiveness, relationships, dating safety, and assault. You will practice your verbal and physical skills through simulations with a padded assailant.  This course offers experiential learning in a safe and supportive environment and culminates in an all day retreat.

**We are following the DESE guidelines and the district protocols that has been set in all of our classes for the Wellesley Public Schools.  Our syllabus will be modified to reflect safe physical distancing when learning and practicing our physical skills. Our focus this semester will be standards 4 and 5 of the National Physical Education Standards, and standards 4 and 5 of the National Health standards.**

Class 1: Introduction & Class Expectations, setting the tone, content and grading.
Class 2: Review Introduction and allow for Q & A: Power Up First Thoughts Assessment
Class 3-6: Experiential Activities, No Props, Communication and Listening
Class 7: Book Talk & Selection with librarian
Class 8: Student Line up Activity, breaking down barriers, discussion & depbrief
Class 9: Power UP Documentary viewing & discussion
Class 10-12: Begin Physical skills: Stance, safe distance, voice, beginning strikes
Class 13-14: Role Play: Conversations & Discussions
Class 15-17: Continue Physical Skills: Review, Introduce Rear Grabs
Class 18: Guest Speaker: REACH Beyond Domestic Violence, Consent, "How do I communicate what I want?"
Class 19-23: Continue Physical Skills: Review and Introduce Ground skills
Class 24: Video: Warning signs of Relationship Abuse
Class 25-27: Book Reviews & Current Events
Class 28-29: Retreat Preparation: Review, shirts, invitations, lunch
Class 30: Pre-Retreat Activity: Interdisciplinary activity with a colleague
Class 31: Retreat: Full day in school field trip
Class 32: Debrief: 3-2-1 Assessment
Class 33: Watch Graduation: Video Assessment
Class 34-36: PBL Everyone Has A Story & Gallery Walk
Class 37-38: Final Closure: Student sharing in orange journal, written assessment: "What have I learned?" Course Evaluation, Final wrap-up activity

The National Physical Education Standards

Standard 1. The physically literate individual
demonstrates competency in a variety of
motor skills and movement patterns.

Standard 2. The physically literate individual
applies knowledge of concepts, principles,
strategies and tactics related to movement
and performance.

Standard 3. The physically literate individual
demonstrates the knowledge and skills to
achieve and maintain a health-enhancing
level of physical activity and fitness.

Standard 4. The physically literate individual
exhibits responsible personal and social
behavior that respects self and others.

Standard 5. The physically literate individual
recognizes the value of physical activity for
health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression
and/or social interaction.

 National Health Standards:

Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks. 

Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health. 

Assessments:  Formative & Summative, PBL, journaling, class discussion and group work.