Course Syllabus

Marshall Learning Center

Room 446


781-446-6290; 4863


Ms. Marshall Learning Center Course Syllabus 2020-2021 

Welcome to tenth grade! This is a year all of us will never forget, that’s for sure. I missed seeing all of you so much and can’t wait to see everyone in person again.  Whether we are remote, live, or a combination of the two, we are still committed to helping you learn and grow as a student and as an individual. Our job is to assist you with skills and strategies to help you meet your full potential, increase your independence, and be successful in school. Ms.Boucher and I are here to help make school easier for you, and you can always come to us for assistance.




  • To create a safe and respectful learning environment for all students, so students are supported academically, socially, and emotionally. 
  • To assist students in becoming as independent and successful as they can.
  • To monitor progress toward achievement of individual IEP goals and assist students in achieving these.
  • To maintain communication with the student, parents, teachers, guidance counselors, and other staff involved with the education of the student.
  • To introduce and develop skills needed for learning including the use of technology.

What we do


  • Support class work: As a priority, we will support your understanding of material from your classes: Math, English, History, Science, and Foreign Language. This may include previewing material, reteaching some concepts, and taking formative assessments so that you can evaluate your mastery of the material. 


  • Teach Academic Skills: Learning and improving academic skills is an important facet of our work. We will do short lessons in the LC that are designed to help students succeed across the curriculum which may include time management, study skills, organizational skills, and self-advocacy. We will also work on  activities such as group reading of a current event article, or a “real-life” math problem. I will work to tailor these lessons to you and your specific learning needs so they are interesting and helpful for you, and you are always welcome to give me feedback.


  • Assist in homework completion: We would like to support all of you with homework that may be challenging for you, or may require some extra instruction or practice so you can complete it. While the LC is not your place to “finish homework in school,” we will make time for you to work on assignments once our group skills lesson is done. 





When you walk into the learning center each day, you will park your cell phone in the cell phone holder and then go to your name on the dry erase board and write down what you’d like to work on for that block. Next to your to-do’s, write down how long you estimate each task will take. This is not something we will hold you to - it is based on your best guess, and it’s ok if it’s wrong! Once you’re done with this, we will do a short group skill lesson and then transition to your individual priorities. At the end of each block, we will discuss your homework for the following day, and any upcoming assessments and prioritize time for these assignments.


When you are remotely doing school, you will still be a student. You will be expected to have your video on, have your audio on, be sitting up and ready to learn and work just like when you are in school live. 


  • Be present - please give your full attention and effort while in the learning center.
  • Be respectful - we want our room to be welcoming, safe to take risks, and fun but that is only possible if we respect each other.
  • Be brave - ask questions, tell us how you feel or if you need help, be kind. 
  • Be open - we will explore new strategies, maybe even a short meditation. Please keep an open mind to trying new things and hearing different perspectives.
  • Be on time. No clarification needed here.



Learning center is Pass/Fail class at the high school. If you put forth your best effort and engage with us while you are in class, you will pass. 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due