Course Syllabus

Gender identity: How to be more inclusive when using pronouns - Personnel  Today



Dr. Cacace

Wellesley High School

Room 410



Back to School Night Presentation:



This course introduces students to the interdisciplinary study of gender and sexuality. The course will take both a historical and contemporary focus. Students will analyze shifts in the social construction of gender and sexuality across time, as well as look at the way gender and sexuality are defined today and the impact these definitions have on the individual.

This course will be organized by topic.  We will study a variety of topics throughout the semester together. Some topics may take us only a few days to cover, others may take a few weeks. Some possible topics we will explore include: biological sex, femininity, masculinity, human sexuality, purity culture, rape, intersectionality, gender and sexuality in policing, abortion, the transgender experience, gender and the media, etc. 

Please Note: This course deals with controversial, difficult, and sometimes upsetting topics.  We will also be watching films and discussing readings that contain adult language and content.  If you have any particular sensitivities or triggers, please see me as soon as possible. 



  • To explore and understand how gender and sexuality are social constructs that condition our experiences and opportunities in life
  • To think critically about how our own personal experiences are shaped by our sex, gender, and sexuality
  • To understand the shifting meaning of gender and sexuality over time
  • To explore modern thinking on gender and sexuality and how it impacts our world today




Grades will be determined based on the total points you accumulate for the semester.  Each semester you will complete assignments of your choosing to earn points.  At the end of the semester the total amount of points you have earned  on completed assignments will be divided by a fixed denominator (100 for honors, 80 for ACP) and that will determine your grade.  In this grading system your final grade is a product of both the quality and quantity of the work you do. 


Honors Point System:  You will have the opportunity to earn up to 100 points.   

A+       97-100                B+        87-89                C+        77-79                D+       67-69                F  0-59 

A           93-96               B          83-86                C          73-76                D         63-66

A-          90-92               B-         80-82                C-         70-72                D-        60-62


ACP Point System:  You will have the opportunity to earn up to 80 points.   

A+       77-80+             B+        70-71                C+        62-63                D+       54-55                F  0-47 

A           74-76               B          67-69                C          58-61                D         50-53

A-          72-73               B-         64-66                C-         56-57                D-        48-49


NOTE: Seniors will receive a letter grade on 11/6 to report to colleges.  You will be evaluated out of 25 points. 



  • Our Canvas page will be absolutely essential to our course this year
  • On Canvas you will find topic schedules, archived copies of class lectures, handouts and readings, and you will be able to access and submit assignments
  • Make sure you are able to access the page and are familiar with its layout


This course will be exciting, rewarding, and memorable.  I know you will all succeed, learn, and have fun.  However, to make this possible all of us must follow certain behavioral expectations. 

  • Be positive!  Embrace others’ opinions and share your thoughts and feelings!
  • Be curious!  Ask questions, grapple with difficult issues, change your opinions, and seek a greater understanding!
  • Be prepared!  Bring your laptop, binder/notebook, pen/pencil, and your assignment book to class every day.  Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings!
  • Be respectful to everyone and everything! 



  • Be on time to all zoom sessions
  • Have your camera on
  • Sit up straight with your laptop/notebook ready for notetaking
  • Participate! Ask questions and share your ideas
  • Set your audio to mute when not speaking
  • Use your full name
  • Put your pronouns after your name



  • I am more than happy to connect with you for extra help or enrichment!
  • Please email me to set up a time to talk or connect!








Course Summary:

Date Details Due