Course Syllabus

AP Calculus BC             Expectations

Due to the ongoing challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, this school year will be different from previous years and may be unpredictable.  Students have to be adaptable and flexible.  Whatever this school year brings, students must take responsibility for their actions.  This includes following safety protocols, homework, class work, behavior and assessment results.

Safety protocols will be strictly observed. When we meet for in person classes students must follow all safety rules throughout the class.  This is to protect everyone’s health and wellbeing.  Failure to comply with safety rules will result in student being sent out of class.

Students will show respect for all people and property in the classroom and online at all times.

(Some of the information below may change as the situation changes.  Students will be made aware of any changes.)

For Zoom classes I expect students to have their video turned on so that I can see them for the entire Zoom meeting.  If a student has an issue with this, it can be discussed with me individually.

If for some reason a Zoom session has a problem on my end, students should check their school email for instructions.  If students have a computer problem during a Zoom session, they should email me as soon as possible.

There is a set syllabus for AP Calculus BC.  It must be covered before the AP exam, May 4, 2021.  (This may not be possible due to the limited number of times the class will meet.)  Students are expected to finish homework assignments each night.  Students must complete homework showing all work.  A homework paper with only answers will receive a grade of zero. Students must participate during class.  Students are expected to take notes on material presented in class.

This class is a college level class and students will be expected to do substantial amounts of work independently.

If a student is absent it is that student’s responsibility to find out what work was missed and to make arrangements to make up the work.  The student should contact me as soon as possible by email. 

Students must have a graphing calculator.


If a student does not meet my expectations that are listed above the following actions will be taken (depending on the situation’s seriousness).

  1. Discuss the problem with the student outside of class.
  2. Discuss the problem with parent / guardian.
  3. Refer the problem to the school administration.


Grading Policy

This year grading is by semester.  There will not be term grades, only semester grades. 

Assessments 80%

HW 20%

There is no extra credit offered.  Students should focus on mastering regular credit work.


Academic Integrity

A student that submits work as their own that did not originate with them is cheating.  This includes copying, getting help or using notes on assessments.  Using a calculator program to store notes or using a calculator program that was not given to you by me is cheating.  Students may work cooperatively on homework.  That means students can work together and all participate in getting solutions.  It is cheating to copy someone’s homework or have someone do the homework for you. If a student is found to be cheating, even on part of an assessment or homework, a grade of zero will be given for the entire assessment or homework.  It is also cheating to ask someone for any information about an assessment they have taken but you have not. If a student is unclear about whether a situation will be considered cheating, the student should see me.

Cell Phones, electronics and any devices that can connect to the internet

These items are not needed for the class and may not be used.  Cell phones must be parked in the area provided for the duration of class.


Link to textbook:


To go to the Math Lab this year:

Check under Pages for the Zoom link.

Math Lab Schedule


Course Summary:

Date Details Due