Course Syllabus

Advanced College Prep Pre-‐Calculus

Mrs.Haig Room

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Back To School Video for parents & guardians



 This year we will be covering the following topics:

  • Factoring,  Rational Expressions & Rational Equations
  • Logarithms
  • Rational Functions
  • Limits
  • Unit Circle                  
  • Trigonometric Functions
  • Angles and Trig Ratios
  • Graphing Trig Functions     
  • Analytic Trigonometry                            
  • Trigonometric Equations              
  • Applications of Trig Functions                  

      If time allows, we will cover more.


Materials to Bring to Class:

  • Pencils
  • Graphing Calculator (I am most familiar with the TI-83 and TI-84 if you have a different type, hold on to the manual in case we need to navigate through some things)
  • Pre-Calculus Notebook: I am assuming you have a preferred method to organize your work. I just ask that your work is readily available when you come to class. Here are two suggestions that I find work well:
  • a three ring binder with dividers
  • an organized folder for handouts and worksheets and a graphing notebook to provide sections for notes and homework.

*Food & drinks will not be permitted during class. Water is acceptable, nothing else.*



 Be Prepared

  • Come to class on time with your notebook, pencil(s) and calculator when appropriate
  • Take out your homework when you get to your desk

 Be Engaged

  • Take notes each class
  • Be attentive and courteous. Students will show respect for all people and property in the classroom.
  • Complete classwork and homework

Show all work: get in the habit of showing all steps in every assignment and it will carry over when you take assessments.

 Be Proactive

  • Do not wait for an assessment to ask questions. Math is cumulative by nature (concepts build on the previous topic) If something is unclear or doesn’t make sense ASK for help.
  • Students must take responsibility for their actions. This includes homework, class work, behavior, & results of assessments and projects.
  • Students must be in class on time and prepared.
  • This class is a college prep class and students will be expected to do substantial amounts of work independently.

If a student misses an assessment, the student should e-mail me the day before he/she returns to make arrangements.

See student handbook.

If a student is having difficulty it is the student’s responsibility to seek out help. 

Academic Integrity

 A student that submits work as his or her own that did not originate with him/her is cheating.  This includes copying, getting help or using notes on tests, quizzes or other types of evaluation.  Using a calculator program to store notes or using a calculator program that was not given to you by me is cheating.  Students may work cooperatively on homework.  That means students can work together and all participate in getting solutions.  It is cheating to copy someone’s homework or have someone do the homework for you. If a student is found to be cheating, even on part of an evaluation or homework a grade of zero will be given for the entire evaluation or homework.  If a student is unclear about whether a situation will be considered cheating the student should see me.


When in the classroom:

Cell Phones and any watches that can connect to the internet are not needed for the class and may not be used.  They must be parked in the area provided for the duration of class.



  • Homework is very important part of learning the concepts we cover. Homework helps you and me determine how well the concept is understood.
  • Homework will be assigned nightly. Copy down the assignment each day in class. It will also be posted on Canvas.
  • Homework is due and is checked at the beginning of class.
  • Attempt all problems. Areas that you found difficult or were unable to solve should be marked with specific questions. This will help you be efficient and effective during class discussions.

I understand that very occasionally a student may not be able to complete a homework assignment.  The student should bring the completed work the next day for 90% credit.  After more than one day the student will receive a zero for the assignment.



If a student is absent it is that student’s responsibility to find out what class work, quiz, test, homework or other material was missed and to make arrangements to make up the work.  If a student is absent the day before a test or quiz they still are required to take the test or quiz with the class as usual.  See student handbook.

Tardy Policy

Students are expected to be on time to class. After the third time a student is tardy the student will be given a class cut.  See student handbook.


Extra Help:

I will be available for help on Tuesday afternoons from 1:30 - 2, Wednesdays after advisory from 11:45 - 12:30 (or before my meeting begin) in addition to appointments. Schedules are proving to be challenging so I encourage you to email me when you need help so we can set up a time. .


Term Grades:

 We are moving to Standards Based Grading this year. The details of the grading policy are posted in course files. .


(1) Skill Based Work (Khan Academy/Delta Math)

(2) Multi step problem sets (30 minutes max)

(3) Summative Assessments 


There is no extra credit offered.  Students should focus on mastering regular credit work.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due