Course Syllabus

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Welcome to French 3!

I am very pleased to have you in French 3 this year, and looking forward to having a great year.

Teacher Information:

Aurelie Nkam             Contact:     room 239

Extra help hours:  By appointment

Yellow Block on Tuesdays and Grey block on Thursdays

Class description:

French 3 is a very challenging year. We will spend the year learning more complex communicative skills and grammar structures. We will cover 9 units using different types of material such as our French class textbook, short readings and movies. We will also incorporate couple of projects.

Class objectives:

  • To strengthen and expand vocabulary and grammar concepts from previous French courses.
  • To build vocabulary and increase literacy, writing, and listening skills in French.
  • To improve your oral communication skills trough meaningful contexts.
  • To expose students to the French history and culture.

Material required for class:


A three ring binder and 2 dividers: Please section your binder as follows:

·       1st divider for handouts

·       2nd divider for quizzes and tests


A 3 subjects notebook (for reading summaries, compositions and notes)

A textbook and a workbook that will be provided to you by the school. Please make sure to have them on you all the time.


Teacher’s expectations:

a) During Remote Learning:

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b) During In-Person Class Time

1.     RESPECT your teacher, your peers and yourself!

2.     RAISE YOUR HAND for permission to speak, and speak only if you have been granted permission to do so.

3.     BE IN YOUR ASSIGNED SEAT AND READY when the bell rings and remain seated during class unless you have permission to get up. Student who are frequently not in their seats and ready to begin will loose their participation credit.

4.     FOOD AND DRINK (except bottled water) are not allowed in class. This includes gums and candies.

5.     CLASS MATERIAL: If you take a white board, a book, or any other class material, please make sure to put it back neatly where you found it.



SEATING: To ensure our success, everyone will be assigned a specific seat. Note that those seats will   rotate at the teacher’s discretion.

PARTICIPATION: you are expected to:

  • Raise your hand.
  • Be an active observer/participant in all activities
  • Be on task all the time.
  • Use only French during class once the bell rings or starts.

HOMEWORK: must be completed and handed in on time.  Late homework assignment will not be accepted for credit since it helps the teacher determine if you master the concepts taught in class or not.

TESTING: In general, a “graded activity” will be scheduled once a week. Quizzes dates will be announced at least 2 days in advance and test date will be announced five days in advance. You will also write a composition at the end of each Unit. All quizzes and test dates will be posted on the white board behind my desk and on my website.

MAKE-UP POLICY: The make-up work is always the student's responsibility; if you have been absent you have 2 days upon your return to make-up your class work, quizzes, tests, compositions and other assignments. To find out what you missed while you were absent, please refer to my Google website. If you are going to be absent, email me your project by the day it is due.

If you arrange an appointment to make up a quiz, a test or a composition outside of class time, do not miss that appointment time or you will receive a grade of zero for that assignment.


GRADING:  You will be Every assignment is weighted as follows:

Interpersonal Reading and Listening: 25%

Interpersonal Speaking 25%

Presentational speaking and  Writing: 50% 


Note: Grades at the Classical and Modern Languages department are weighted differently each term. The percentages are as follows:

Semester 1 Semester 2


Course Summary:

Date Details Due