Course Syllabus

Foundations 10 Syllabus

Mr. Miller ~ Room 429



Course Description: This is the second part of a two-part course (along with Foundations in Mathematics 309) designed to provide instructional focus on numeracy, basic mathematical skills, problem-solving and an introduction to algebra, geometry and statistics. Students will review basic skills and apply them to new situations while learning more about problem-solving strategies. Students will explore the basic structure of algebra and how it applies to geometry. Enrollment is by teacher recommendation.


Materials Needed: Three-Ring Binder with 4-5 dividers, Pencils, Calculator, Lined and Graph Paper


Classroom Values and Expectations: Students are expected to come to class prepared and ready to participate. All students must be respectful of each other and support each other’s learning. All school rules must be followed in class. If a student is absent from class, it is their responsibility to figure out what they missed and find time to make it up.


Student Support: Students are encouraged to work together and form study groups to support each other in their learning. Additionally, support is available in the math lab during most blocks (math lab schedule). I am available by appointment most days before and after school. 


Evaluation of Student Work (Grading):

Mastery 80% (tests, quizzes, projects, etc.)

Participation 20% (classwork, homework)


Mastery (80%): Mastery describes opportunities that students have to demonstrate understanding and mastery of learning objectives. This category includes tests, quizzes, projects, presentations, and other activities that allow students to demonstrate what they have learned. While classwork and homework is graded based primarily upon completion, mastery assignments are graded according to the standards that they are designed to assess. As the main goal of the class is to grow, learn, and improve, students will typically have opportunities to revise and improve their work and related scores on mastery assignments and assessments. This could take the form of quiz corrections, retakes, project resubmissions, or other modalities based on the assignment or assessment. 


Classwork (10%): Classwork consists of all the daily activities that students complete that do not fall into the category of mastery. In addition to completing all work assigned during class time, students are expected to be on time to class, be prepared with required materials and supplies, participate fully, respect others, and comply with all Wellesley High School rules and policies. By default, all students will receive full credit in this category, but will risk losing points if they do not follow the above guidelines. 


Homework (10%): Homework consists of assignments given to be completed outside of class to further student understanding. Homework is graded for completion, rather than for mastery. Homework assignments should be completed thoughtfully and thoroughly in order to receive credit for completion.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due