Course Syllabus

Students should not use this page. We find assignments in Calendar Agendas or Modules.

This page is here for the 2021 Back to School Night Video

Watch this year's video by clicking here!


You can also watch last year's Back to School Night Video, which is more in-focus!


CP Physics 9 - Welcome!


Welcome to CP Physics and your first year at Wellesley High School!  Physics is all about explaining our observations of the universe.  This year, we will attempt to explain the behavior of light, waves, sound, electricity, motion, and energy!  To be successful in my class you should come to class with an enthusiastic, ready-to-learn attitude. 


  1. Be on time.
  2. Be ready to learn - have an engaged mind.
  3. Bring all necessary materials with you to class (or your work station at home).  See below for details.
  4. Be respectful of both your teacher and your peers.
  5. Be patient and kind.  This is a new style of learning (and teaching!) for all of us.  It is bound to be challenging at times, and I’m sure I will make mistakes (I’m only human!).
  6. Be respectful of any class equipment.  Use it only as it was designated to use.
  7. Work collaboratively with your peers in a respectful and constructive manner during group work
  8. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated in any way. Procedures as outlined by the Student Handbook will be followed if anyone is caught copying others work or letting someone else copy their own work.  Penalties for cheating will be determined on a case by case basis.  Please be mindful of doing your own work on Google Docs.

Materials:  please bring the following with you EVERY class (or to your work station at home):

  • Unit Workbook
  • Writing utensils
  • Calculator
  • Charged Laptop (or w/ charger)
  • Headphones
  • Ruler

Quarter Grading Policy:

Tests: 30%

Labs: 40%

Homework: 10%

Class Participation: 20%

Students who are unhappy or concerned about their grade(s) should talk to me.  I am always willing to discuss your grade and how you are doing in class.  My job is to make sure you succeed, so if there is a problem, we should discuss it.  However, this should be done by appointment NOT during class time. You are also encouraged to see me for extra help if you need it.  You can also email me if you need help.  Don’t wait until it is too late to change your grade!


  1. Light
  2. Waves
  3. Electromagnetic Waves
  4. Static Electricity
  5. Circuits
  6. Electromagnetism
  7. Constant Velocity
  8. Acceleration
  9. Forces
  10. Momentum
  11. Energy

Class Policies

  • If you miss class and have an excused absence, please email me so we can discuss what you missed and the best way to catch you up.  If you know you will be out for an extended period, please let me know so we can work out a way to catch you up!
  • No late work is accepted beyond the last day of the unit, unless extenuating circumstances exist.  If you have an extenuating circumstance please discuss it with me so we can work out the best way for you to stay up to date and successful in class!  Particularly this year, there are going to be a lot of extenuating circumstances.  Please make sure to take the initiative to reach out to me if you need an extension or extra help and I will be as flexible as possible to help you!
  • No extra credit - be proactive, and not reactive about your grade!
  • School Safety rules must be followed. 
  • Bottled beverages only in the classroom (must have a lid).  No food (unless medically necessary).
  • Wash your hands!  There are hand sanitizer stations around the room.  If you walk by one, hand sanitize!

Grading Practices:

  • Homework:  Homework will be assigned nightly.  Homework is checked for completion, not accuracy, as this is the time for you to practice the concepts we have learned without penalty.  If you are struggling with a problem, you still need to TRY, given the methods we have discussed in class.  If you get stuck, that is OK, but simply skipping a problem without showing attempted work will result in only partial credit given.
  • Homework is OPTIONAL.  This means if you do the homework, it is weighted towards 10% of your grade (see previous bullet for grading details).  If you don't do the homework, there will be no grade penalty, however, that 10% will be redistributed equally to Labs, Class Participation, and Tests (making these items count MORE towards your grade)!
  • Late Work:  Work turned in late (lab ) will result in deduction of your class participation grade.  All late work must be turned in by the day of the unit test for that unit, after which you will get a zero.
  • Tests will be given on half day Wednesdays.  They will be short (5 multiple choice questions or less).  You will be able to retake the test if you do not perform well until you achieve a score of 80%.  If you are unable to do so by the end of class Wednesday you have until the following Friday to check in with myself or Ms. Gray for additional supports to improve your score. There will be extra help time during Gray block or you can email to schedule "after school" time to meet. 
  • Class Participation:  You are expected to come to class each day on time, prepared to learn, respect both your peers and myself, and be engaged in the day’s activities.  Participation is expected.  You should try to contribute to class each day.  See grading rubric for further details.

MCAS:  All students in this course are expected to take the physics MCAS in June at the end of this year.  This is a state-mandated graduation requirement!  The MCAS is now computer based.

The textbook you sign out at the start of the year must be returned at the end of the year, or your grade will be an incomplete until it is returned or reimbursed for, per school policy.  The cost of the textbook is $90.



IMPORTANT NOTE:  Graded assignments are posted on the Canvas homework calendar and in PowerSchool.  Students are expected to check assignments and grades often (once a week.) Parents are encouraged to check Powerschool once a month. Currently all details are on Canvas (comments, rubrics) and Powerschool just has numbers.