Course Syllabus

8aa2948a-ac28-4728-b37f-0d92875993de-6ff257ed-72ee-463a-a319-70babb8559c5-v1.pngPrecalculus Honors – 2021-2022

Mrs. Ghelli





Welcome to Precalculus Honors

Precalculus is a course dedicated to trigonometry. It is essential to your success in Calculus and other future math courses.


TOPICS: We are going to cover a range of topics including: radian measure, applications of radian measure, the unit circle, trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions and trigonometric identities.


CANVAS: We are going to be using Canvas to structure our course. I will be posting our calendar, list of assignments, etc. This is where you will go to find anything that you need for our course.


RESOURCES: We will use many different resources to help us master this content.  Worksheets for practice, Delta Math and problems in our textbook. Delta Math is an online learning tool that will give you instant feedback on the learning goals. They will explain how to complete problems and help you if you make an error.  This online platform is going to be great to help you determine if you are mastering the standards.


MATERIALS: It is important you have either a binder OR a notebook and a folder. You will be receiving practice packets, taking notes and working on problems from your textbook.  It is important that you are able to organize these items.


BEHAVIOR: Appropriate and respectful behavior is expected at all times. I hope that we can work together to create a learning environment that is fun and productive.


GRADING: Outlined below is our current grading system for this year. It could be subject to change if we think that something could work better for us as a class.


This is a general category of things that will be graded throughout the year. The category includes (but is not limited to) warm ups, closers, group work, and Delta Math



These will be given every one to two weeks depending on the pace of the unit.  They are designed to see how well you are mastering the learning goals. 
