Course Syllabus


Intermediate Algebra- Room 431

Mr. Fisher –

  1. Coming and Going

            You are expected to be in the classroom and in your seat ready to work when the bell rings to avoid being tardy. If students are repeatedly tardy to class, they will be handled according to the student handbook. 


  1. Classroom Conduct and Materials

            Common courtesy is a MUST in this class. There is an expectation of respect toward your fellow classmates as well as myself. Please be attentive while the teacher or another student is speaking. This is essential, as you will be learning a lot from your classmates. Students will have to do work on the board to help with group learning. Please raise your hand when you have a question or wish to contribute to the class. 

            I expect that you come to class prepared to learn. This means that you arrive on time with your book, 3 ring binder, and a pencil EVERY class. Students are expected to supply their own scientific calculator which they will use almost every class, but a TI 83 or TI 84 graphing calculator is recommended as an investment for not only this class but ALL other math classes. Unless you have asked and received permission, cell phones should be kept away from your sight.  

            Food and drinks will not be permitted during class. Water is the only exception. If you come to class with anything besides water, it will be left in the front of the room for the duration of the period. 


  1. Grading Quarter Grades will be calculated as follows:


Homework/Warm Up Packet/Delta Math- 20%.

Homework will be assigned almost every night. I may perform spot checks on homework as well as collect it. Spot checks are when I walk around the room looking quickly at a couple problems to see how thoroughly they have been done. You should attempt all problems and show all work to receive full credit. If you are unable to do a problem you should write down a question that when answered would allow you to finish. Delta Math will be in the category as well.

 Quizzes- 40% and Tests- 40%

Quizzes and tests are given throughout the year to individually assess your comprehension of the material. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. Tests will always be announced so that students can prepare, and seek extra help if needed. Showing all work on tests and quizzes is REQUIRED for credit.


Each quarter will be worth 25% of your final grade

(You might have a final term 4)

  1. Math Lab

The math lab is available for student use during free periods or during directed research periods. The schedule can be found on the wall in my room. Students should use the math lab for help with homework, assessment preparation, Cognitive Tutor help, as well as test corrections. After your first assessment we will talk more about the test correction process.

  1. Academic Integrity

Written work on all course assignments must be done individually.  This includes, but is not limited to, homework questions or problems, quizzes and tests. In general, it is acceptable to seek help and discuss assignments with your peers, but when you are ready to formulate your written response, this must be done on your own.  This is the difference between working together and copying.  Copying from another source, such as another student’s work or information found on the Internet, without citing that source, is plagiarism.  Any incidents will result in a grade of zero for the assignment and a call home. 

  1. Make Up Work

            If you are absent from a class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed before the next class. Work due on the day of an absence must be completed by the next class. If an extenuating circumstance arises, special arrangements may be made. If you miss a quiz or a test you have ONE WEEK to schedule a make-up time with me or it will become a ZERO!!!

Let’s have a great year! I am looking forward to getting to know all of you!

Course Summary:

Date Details Due