Course Syllabus

Wellesley High School

Department of English

11 ACP English

Academic Year 2022-2023

Teacher: Mr. Day                                                  

Office Hours: Mon-Thurs before/after school or by appt.


Room 309

Course Overview

This is a thematic survey course designed to help students improve their reading, critical thinking, writing, and public speaking skills. We will read and examine all kinds of writing - including novels, short stories, essays, and poems - through individual work, class discussion, formal speeches, research, and writing assignments. Throughout the year, students will write regularly on topics related to our reading and will also engage in the study of grammar and vocabulary.


Successful Learning

Being a successful learner depends upon how students approach in-class and out-of-class situations. To start, students should show up for class on time and ready to learn, should be willing to participate in class discussion and ask questions, and should maintain an English notebook for notes and in-class exercises. This year, I am emphasizing that students use a google doc to take notes on, which they can add to every class. In addition, students should always complete any assignments to the best of their ability, should prepare questions about aspects of the material they did not understand, and should be willing to seek extra help when necessary.


Topics/ Content

We will focus specifically, but not exclusively, on The Things They Carried, The Metamorphosis, The Barracks Thief, and The Odyssey. We will study essays, poetry, short stories and films, too, and we will engage in grammar and vocabulary lessons. The year will also include the Senior Paper and Presentation project. 


Assessing Progress

Students will be evaluated in a variety of ways in this course, including occasional quizzes on the reading material, vocabulary and grammar exercises, projects, and in-class and out-of-class writing assignments (ranging from single paragraphs to the major paper at the end of the year). Students write, I go over it, students revise. I have students do almost all of their work on google docs to facilitate my quickly  giving feedback. I fully believe in giving students rewriting opportunities and will always be clear when they can and cannot rewrite to improve their grade. I do not give extra credit assignments.


Classwork/Homework/ Make-up Policy

I encourage students to do all work completely and to the best of their ability. Each day of class Canvas will have what we are doing in class for that day and what the assignment for next class is. This will allow students to review the day's material and what's expected of them before the next class whether they were present or absent, remote or in-person. Students can email me at any time with questions, or to keep me updated on their status if they have to miss class. I also encourage students to make up work they miss. It is never too late to hand in an assignment and get at least some credit for it. I don't put a zero in power school until I absolutely have to. 


We will be using the online platform Membean for our formal vocabulary work this year. Each week you will be required to do two 15-minute sessions. One session we will do in class, the other you will do on your own. The week begins and ends at 8:30 AM on Mondays. If you complete both sessions, you get a 1/1 for the week. If you don't, you get a 0/1. We will have an online vocabulary quiz at least once a term.


Additional Information

I actively encourage students to seek extra help whenever they feel they are falling behind.  I will always make myself available via email or in person, and will arrange a time to sit down with students at any time if they ask. I can be contacted by email at

Course Summary:

Date Details Due