Course Syllabus

Bienvenue à la classe de français 2

Mme Perry

Salle 147

  • Our course goals: The language benchmark for French 2 is INTERMEDIATE MID
    • Speaking – Engage in and maintain conversations on all different topics with the goal of getting your idea across.
    • Reading/Listening – understanding the main idea of readings, videos and audios, and finding some of the smaller details.
    • Writing – Write about different topics using personal experiences and opinions, with connected sentences.
    • Cultural awareness – Show an understanding for the French-speaking world including its people, what they do and what they value


  • What are we studying this year?
    • We will study topics that are important in your daily lives such as family, school, friends, technology, food, activities and sports, as well as utilizing the le présent, le passé composé, l’imparfait, and le future


  • How do grades work?
    • You’ll always get a rubric with a set of expectations. We’ll go over it in class and make sure you’re really prepared
    • The CML Department uses sequential grading
      • Each performance assessment counts more heavily than the last (e.g. the first one may be worth 10 points and the last one worth 50)
      • Each quarter counts more heavily than the last:
        • Sequential Term Weights
          Term 1 :  12%
          Term 2 : 19%
          Term 3 : 26%
          Term 4 : 31%
          Final Experience:  12%
          Year end grade: 100%
  • There are two types of assessments:
    • Performance assessments – (90% of each quarter grade) – these are tasks where you actually use the language.
      • Interpretive Reading- Read an article or infographic with questions
      • Interpretive Listening- Listen to a video/audio with questions
      • Interpersonal Speaking- Conversations with groups of 2-5 people
      • Interpersonal Writing- Writing an email or text exchange with people
      • Presentational Writing- Writing an essay/paragraph
      • Presentational Speaking- Giving a short presentation on a topic, this may be in front of the class or not (e.g., a voicemail, a vlog post, etc.)
      • Class Conversation- Engaging in class period long conversation
    • Achievement Assessments – (10% of each quarter grade) – these are quick check ins to see how you’re doing with the material that we’re studying
      • Vocab can do check- Check in to see how you’re doing with our vocab
      • Grammar can do check- Check in to see how you’re doing with the grammar we’re using
      • Questions- Asking as many questions as you can on a topic



  • Successful students… 
    • Speak French. If you want to learn how to speak French, you must speak French. The only English that should be spoken in class should be questions about “Comment dit-on…?”
    • Have a good attitude about learning, meaning you want to learn, you are willing to make mistakes, and you make an effort to get better
    • Are prepared: come to class with your laptop and charger, headphones, notebook and pen/pencil, any handouts/packets.
    • Are organized- keep your materials- packets/handouts, notes, assessments from previous units. This course is cumulative!
    • Exercise good study skills- constantly review what we do in class, not just for assessments but daily!
    • Are respectful and kind in their behavior towards other members of the class and the teacher.
    • Use electronics responsibly. You should be on task (not on your phone or other apps having side conversations), not taking video/audio/screenshots, etc. See the district’s Acceptable Use Policy for further details, but if it’s not kind, don’t do it.
      • Be aware also that use of Google Translate constitutes plagiarism. If you need to look up vocabulary, you should be using a dictionary ( is great), and looking up individual words, not phrases. This really should be at a minimum, though. If you’re not sure, you can always ask me.
    • Are in class and on time.
    • Talk to me when they need help, feel confused, need something repeated, etc… I want to help you understand, improve and reach your full potential!
    • Ask for help when they need it: In addition to meeting with me, French lab is available block A on days 1 and 3. There are peer tutors available (just ask me to match you up with one). If you meet with a peer tutor, you should log your hours here: 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due