Course Syllabus

Welcome to Honors Algebra 2!

Mr. Glynn - Room 443

Back to school night video

Course Description:

Functions are one of the fundamental notions of mathematics. This course will build on knowledge and skills obtained from Honors Algebra I and Honors Geometry. The study of families of functions will be approached from a variety of perspectives (e.g., symbolically and graphically), emphasizing the basic concepts, importance, and representations of functions in “real world” applications. Topics in Honors Algebra II include the absolute value, quadratic, polynomial, power, exponential, logarithmic and rational families of functions. Students enrolled in this course will be expected to synthesize the skills they learn from direct teacher instruction, the text, and prior units of study to then independently apply them to larger conceptual problems during group work in class and on their own. A graphing calculator is required for this course.


Materials Needed: 

Charged computer, Math notebook (graph paper notebook recommended), Pencils, Erasers, and a Graphing calculator (TI-84 Plus recommended).


Learning Goals separated into Course Standards:

  1. Standard 1 - Expressions
  2. Standard 2 - Equations/Inequalities
  3. Standard 3 - Graphs
  4. Standard 4 - Model & Reason


Evaluation of Student Work:

Students will be provided with many opportunities to practice and demonstrate their understanding of the course material.  Student work will be evaluated and feedback will be provided on a regular basis.  Not all student work will be used to determine a student’s grade in the course.  For example, classwork and homework are considered opportunities for students to practice, ask questions, make mistakes, get feedback and improve upon their understanding of the course material.  Students will be provided with notice about any work that will be used to help determine their grade in the course.  Individual assessments will be graded out of points. 


Term Grade Breakdown:

    • 45% Assessments (3 per term, 15% each)
    • 30% End-of-quarter cumulative assessment
    • 25% Higher of Assessment average or End-of-quarter cumulative assessment score
    • Note: DeltaMath homework grades will appear in PowerSchool but do not impact a student's course grade. 

For example, if Student A averages a 90 on their tests and quizzes in Term 1 and then gets a 75% on the Term 1 cumulative assessment, their grade breakdown will be 70% tests and quizzes and 30% end-of-quarter cumulative assessment. They will receive 85.5% for Term 1.  


Yearly Grade Breakdown:

  • 22% for Term 1 grade
  • 22% for Term 2 grade
  • 22% for Term 3 grade
  • 22% for Term 4 grade
  • 12% for Final Exam Score


Student Support and Extra Help:

Please use the math lab during A blocks in room 452 and during the day in room 427. I will be in the math lab during A block on days 3 and 5, C block on days 4 and 5, and F block on day 1. I will likely be available for extra help most days after school, but I will have office hours on Monday until 3:15. Any changes to this will be announced in Canvas and during class.

Classroom Engagement Expectations:

Please see the class cut policy on pages 67-68 of the student handbook. Students are expected to come to class on time and ready to participate in note-taking, class discussion, group, and individual practice. Please see the handheld electronic device policy on page pages 70-71 of the student handbook. Students are expected to not use their electronic devices during class time. 

  1. Communication:
  • demonstrate appropriate communication and respect with peers and teachers by actively listening to the teachers when new material is being delivered and actively listening to peers/teachers when they are asking or answering questions.
  • Ask Questions when something is unclear:
    • This can be during class, asking during class break or right after class, coming to an office hour or utilizing the math lab. 

2. Engage in the classroom culture by: 

  • Completing the practice opportunities assigned to you: 
    • Homework is assigned to give students independent practice opportunities. Homework serves as an important tool in student preparation for success during class presentations, discussions and assessments. Homework completion is not used to determine a student's grade in the course. 
    • Classwork is assigned as an opportunity for students to complete practice problems that reinforce student understanding of material. 
  • Participating in classroom dialogue
  • ask or answer questions, explain your thinking 
  • share ideas, answers, alternative approaches or strategies to a problem
  • actively listen when your classmates are sharing their ideas 
  • write your solution up on the board


Text and Other Instructional Resources:

Course Summary:

Date Details Due