Course Syllabus

Welcome to the World History (Honors) Canvas page! Here you will the information, assignments, links, and materials you will need for this course. 

Each unit has its own page, listed under the PAGES. Each lists all your assignments, handouts, and resources.  The CALENDAR shows you which assignment is due when.


N.B. First, my weekly extra help session is after school each Wednesday.


Attached here you will find my schedule for the semester: Burns Schedule 23-24 S1.doc

Once it is finalized, the schedule for the Social Studies Lab: Social Studies Lab schedule

Tech Department's Canvas Guide for Students:


World History - Honors

Course Overview

This course is an investigation of how the world developed over the 11th to 19th centuries – and beyond! You will explore the major political, economic, and cultural developments, and their enduring consequences. Syllabi, readings, slides, etc., are available on our course page in Canvas.

Grading and Course Expectations

Minor Assignments: 50%  (Examples: short reflections or creative prompts, graded class discussions, quizzes on individual assignments)

Major Assignments: 50% (Examples: tests, essays, projects, quizzes based on several assignments)

            Each assignment is worth a certain number of points, which reflects its relative weight within its  category. In general, a test is worth a hundred points, a major quiz fifty, a typical homework assignment ten, and various projects according to their relative weight. Expect late assignments to be penalized according to departmental policy. Powerschool automatically translates letter grades into numbered equivalents and calculates your score.       


Homework Expectations

You are expected to be able to organize your notes in a responsible and effective manner. Though often not graded on its own, you should be prepared to apply assigned information to class situations and complete quizzes with rigorous reflection. Always bring your notes to class unless directed otherwise.



            It is your responsibility to be on time, to submit collected homework, get assignments and handouts, and reschedule any quiz or test you may have missed. This is high school; be responsible enough to belong here.


Extra Help

It is expected that you will find various components of this course challenging. If you feel you are struggling, do not wait for an invitation! If you need help with a concept, skill, or assignment, make time to work with me or with another teacher in the Social Studies Lab. My schedule and that of the Social Studies Lab will be posted on the back wall once finalized.


Final Thought – The One Rule That Rules Them All!


At all times, respect for yourself and others is expected.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due