Course Syllabus
Welcome to
Video Welcome from Ms. Spangler! (Office Hours: Wednesdays 2:30-3:05, Room 341))
Video Welcome from Ms. Morrison! (Office Hours: Mondays 2:30-3:05, Room 436)
Dear Students, Parents & Guardians,
In this course, we will explore the major concepts in biology, emphasizing problem solving, laboratory exercises, and the application of biology to everyday life. More specifically, we will focus on how biology relates to the human body.
Skills that will be emphasized in this class will be problem-solving, critical thinking, experimentation using the scientific method, argumentation and scientific writing.
In order to experience success in this course, you must develop good, active listening skills AND be able to take notes in class. Furthermore, it is important that you advocate for yourself as a learner. This entails asking questions about material that you do not understand when that content is covered in class. Ms. Morrison and Ms. Spangler are both available for extra help (see specific times below). Please ask either of us during class, come to office hours or send an email at or to set up an appointment for extra help.
Our class will meet in Room 248 (but our office is in Room 358).
We look forward to working with you this year. Don’t forget that we are here to help you succeed in Biology. We hope this will be a rewarding year for all of us! (scroll down for course expectations!)
Best regards,
Louisa Morrison and Carolyn “Beanie” Spangler
Wellesley High School Course Overview and Expectations
Biology 11 CP
Textbook: BIOLOGY by Miller and Levine
Teachers: Ms. Morrison & Ms. Spangler
Classroom: Room 248
- Charged Laptop
- Headphones
- Notebook OR Loose leaf paper in a binder (provided)
- Pen/Pencil
Grades are determined by total points. Generally, assignments will fall into one of the following categories and their point value will be in the range provided:
- Quizzes and Tests: 10 to 50 points
- Labs and Projects: 20 to 50 points
- Additional Assignments: 5 to 10 points
*Late Work Note: Please make every effort to submit work on the day it is due. If there are extenuating circumstances, religious or cultural observances, please reach out to either Ms. Morrison or Ms. Spangler prior to the due date.
*Error Analysis: If a student receives a C- or below, please check in with Ms. Spangler or Ms. Morrison about retake or error analysis opportunities.
*Year Grade: the grade for the year will be calculated based on term weights: each term is worth 22% and the remaining 12% will include summative assessments and projects.
Extra Help/Office Hours
Ms. Morrison and Ms. Spangler have scheduled ‘Office Hours’ during the week as follows:
Ms. Morrison is available on MONDAY afternoons from 2:30-3:05 in Room 436
Ms. Spangler is available on WEDNESDAY afternoons from 2:30-3:05 in Room 341
*note these rooms are not our classroom
*NEW THIS YEAR: Science Help Center in Room 257!
You can also look for Ms. Morrison and Ms. Spangler in the science office space in Room 358 or in their other classrooms. Their schedules/rooms will be posted outside the classroom so you can find them!
*Note: Office hours are subject to change with notice to students in advance and updates will be posted and communicated to students.
We will be posting all academic information on Canvas. We recommend that you add the Canvas app to your phone and allow push notifications so you can be aware of any class updates (sent through the announcement feature in Canvas).
Classroom Expectations
The community of learners in our classroom must work respectfully, collaboratively, and openly so that each student may have the opportunity to learn and share effectively. As a class, we will create norms to uphold as a group that adhere to the core values.
- Academic excellence
- Cooperative and caring relationships
- Respect for human differences
- Commitment to community
It is important that you understand the policies and rules outlined in the WHS Student Handbook apply to you AT ALL TIMES during this class.
Academic Honesty/Integrity
Please be clear that cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and the school policy will be followed.
Parent/Guardian-Teacher Communication
Parents/Guardians should feel free to contact either of us at any time via school email at or, as email is the best means of communication for both of us during the school day. Our class syllabus on Canvas is public as well and can be accessed on our teacher page on the school website (under Staff Directory).