Course Syllabus

9th Grade World History

Mr Andrzejewski

Fall 2023-Spring 2024

Blue Block

Room: 401


Office Hours: Once a week, every week, always after school (2:30 pm to 3:05 pm) on either a Day 1 or Day 4 (Check Calendar linked on Canvas for exact day)



Computer (charged), writing utensils, highlighters

Students are also expected to remember to bring packets and other materials passed out in class.


Course Objectives:

Students will: -Read, watch, and listen to understand

-Think historically

-Communicate persuasively and narratively


Grading System: 

Assignments and assessments that evaluate learning in this course are split into two categories: Major and Minor.  Major Assignments and Assessments are scored out of 100 points and worth 50% of your quarter grade and are usually assigned at the end of units (although not always).  Minor Assignments and Assessments are scored out of 50 points or less and also account for 50% of your quarter grade and include evaluations smaller in scope, but with varying formats. There will also be a final experience worth 12% of your final grade for the year.


Online Systems: 

There is a Canvas page for the class that we will be using quite frequently.  Most assignments will be posted and turned in via Canvas.  The link to the Weekly Homework Calendar is also found on the Class Homepage, as well as details for Mr A’s office hours.  Digital sources and resources will be provided or linked in Canvas; students will rarely need to access sources outside those provided.  Feedback may also be provided on assignments turned via Canvas, and also via comments on Google Docs when appropriate.


Feedback will be provided in various contexts such as verbally, via Canvas, or comments on a Google Doc.

Technology Policy:

Cell phones are to be on silent and not used during class, unless explicitly approved.   If students cannot handle the distraction of their devices, they will be confiscated and sit on Mr A’s desk until the end of class.


Ear buds and Air Pods are also not to be used without explicit permission from the teacher.  


Blue Block is often at the end of the school day, so please be mindful to keep your computer charged as there is no guarantee there will be a charger or outlet available in the classroom.

Late Work  and Revisions Policy: 

All 9th Grade ACP Social studies teachers agreed on a policy that students can revise ONE major assignment per quarter.  Only assignments that initially receive under a B- (80/100) are eligible for a revision, and revisions can only be scored up to a B-(80/100).  The student must confirm revision with Mr A and submit the original assignment with feedback along with the revision.  The revision must also be submitted within 1 week of receiving the initial grade.


Students have 72 hours to complete missing assignments before they will not be accepted.  Late assignments are not eligible for revision.




Students are required and expected to turn in wholly their own work, along with using proper citations when applicable.  Refer to school policy laid out in the student handbook, but note that it has been updated to cover use of ai programs.  If you have any questions about proper citation, feel free to ask Mr A.


Tardiness and Student Attendance:

Being on time means being physically present in the classroom with the necessary materials prior to the bell ring.  Three unexcused tardies result in a cut and an email to your house office.  Multiple cuts can jeopardize students receiving credit for the class.  As a Grade 9 course, our class will never be canceled.  If Mr A is absent a substitute teacher will cover the class and instructions from Mr A should be expected to be found on Canvas.


If you are absent, please check Canvas for what assignments you may have missed and reach out to Mr A prior to your return to school if possible, or on your first day back in school.  Students are expected to make up missed work in a reasonable window of time appropriate to the situation.