Course Syllabus

United States History CP

Syllabus: 2023-2024

Instructor: Mrs. Sullivan 

Email: Mrs. Sullivan: 

Mrs. Caparco:



Dear Scholars, 

Welcome to United States History. As juniors and seniors you are becoming more independent in your learning and in how you choose to approach school.  As a result we have created a course that allows you to engage in this growth. Therefore we already expect that you know how to use Canvas (upload documents and navigate the course). It is also expected that you understand how to read your grades within Canvas and Powerschool. We will continually review these skills, and it is your responsibility to ask questions if you are confused as we move forward in the year.  Wherever you are in your journey as a scholar please know that we am here to support and guide you through your own learning process. The more you can engage in this process the better we can support you. As juniors and seniors  it is your responsibility to advocate for yourself. We strongly encourage you to practice the skill of advocating for yourself now so that you feel confident when entering the post high school  world.           

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mrs. Sullivan and Ms. Caparco

Guiding Question for the Year

The Declaration of Independence states that “all men are created equal,” yet the United States has often failed to achieve such equality. How have individuals and groups sought to make America live up to the founding ideal that all people are created equal?


Units of Study 

The history department at WHS organizes the United States curriculum with a thematic approach.  As a result, content does not always go in chronological order. 

The United States Constitution: The first unit you will learn the structure, strengths, and weaknesses of the Founding documents ; The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation and The United States Constitution. This unit will introduce the foundational information that is necessary to analyze the complex history of the United States.

Democracy and Authority: This unit will look at the balance that existed (and still exists) between federal and state powers and the impact this balance has on those living in the United States.  

Foreign Policy: We will view the role of the United States on the international stage through the lens of United States’ policies and trends over time. 

Equality and Hierarchy: This theme will explore how marginalized groups in the United States have used their own agency in order to obtain equality. It will also explore the policies created that allowed for groups to become marginalized. 

Supplies to bring to class daily

As Juniors and Seniors you need to understand your own organization style. To this end, you can choose whatever organization system that works for you. I will check this system by the end of September so be clear on where you are taking notes and where you are keeping hand outs. This can be electronically or in a notebook, either way there needs to be a clear place where this exists. You will have quizzes and tests during the school year and you will be able to access your notes. These notes need to be your own, and need to be on paper in order to use them during the assessments. Figuring out what note taking style works for you best early on in the school year is necessary to your success in the class. 


Indiviidual Support

Click here to access my schedule. You can receive individual support in person during office hours. You can also access support through the feedback provided to you via canvas.  You have access to a Social Studies teacher when visiting the lab. Check the schedule here. If you want to individually check in It is your responsibility to reach out to me and set up time(s).

Grading Breakdown 

There will be three categories in Powerschool, Major Assignment, Minor Assignments, and Student Skills

Major Assignments will account for 50% of a scholar's grade. These are intended to be an assessment of your learning after completing a unit or multiple larger topics.  . These assignments can range from, and are not limited to:

Minor Assignments will account for 50% of a scholar's grade. These are intended to be a brief assessment of your learning on an individual skill or topic. Types of assignments may include . These assignments can range from, and are not limited to:

Student Skills will be a category that is meant to be informative and therefore will not count towards a scholar’s final grade. It will be  documented as either Pass/Fail in order to inform the scholar and their support team where they are with their student skills. These skills can range from, and are not limited to:

  • Essays
  • Discussions
  • Visual Metaphors 
  • Narrative writing 
  • Unit exams 

  • Quizzes 
  • Shorter writing prompts
  • Classwork assignments 
  • Reflections
  • Open Response Questions 
  • Creative challenges 
  • Showing to class on time 
  • Consistently completing homework 
  • Be prepared for class (having notebook, notes, any necessary handouts)
  • Consistently participates in different ways(small groups, larger groups, one on one)
  • Seeks support when necessary from multiple places (Mrs. Sullivan’s office hours, the Social Studies lab, other students) 
  • Consistently takes notes and uses them to inform the work they are doing. 


 Late Work Policies

  • Students have up to 3 days past the original due date to hand in an assignment and choosing to take these days results in a student accepting that the highest grade they can receive is a B+.

    • In that “grace period”, students cannot get extra help from their teacher. However they are encouraged to access the Social Studies lab.

  • If an assignment comes in after the grace period, it is up to teacher discretion on whether or not to accept the assignment at all. 

  • If a student needs an extension beyond the 72 hour grace period, it must be requested 48 hours prior to the original due date. Due to the fact that our late policy has been abused, this may also require confirmation from adult supporters.

  • The teacher has the discretion to deny a student access to this grace period if they have consistently handed in work late. 


 Revision  Policy

Scholars will be able revise one major assignment a term if they receive a B- or lower. They can earn up to a B on their revisions.  Revisions must be a substantial shift in a student's work that demonstrates that they have incorporated teacher feedback in an authentic way.


Cell Phones and Laptops:

Cell phones and laptops are integral tools in our teaching and learning. As the year progresses you will find what works, and what does not work, for you as a student. If I feel as if you are not participating properly in class and technology is becoming a distraction I will speak with you and your adult supporters directly. We will work with you, as a team, to find what best works for your learning. 

To that end, I am not standing in front of the classroom texting my friends. I ask for the same respect from you. 

Extra Time on Assessments 

If you are allowed extra time on assessments per an IEP or 504 it is your responsibility to reach out to me (and the Learning Center teacher) to set up extra time 48 hours prior to said assessment. If you do not do as such you will take the assessment during the allotted time in our classroom (418). 



Course Summary:

Date Details Due