Course Syllabus


Hello everyone! We are looking forward to meeting you and getting started with AP US History. 

Here is our course expectations document. We'll go over it together in a few days, but for now, we do want to highlight that you'll need a notebook with lined paper and a three-ring binder for our course. Here also is the link to the schedule for the first two units.

Need extra help? Let's set up a meeting. Mr. Riely has office hours from 2:30 to 3:05 every Wednesday after school. I can also meet plenty of other times. Just ask me in person or send me an email. Here is a link to my schedule so you can see when I'm free. 

Finally, let us briefly explain how grading will work this year. Each quarter grade is worth 22% of your year grade, with a final exam worth 12%. Quarters are made up of Major and Minor Assignments. The former, consisting of tests, extended quizzes, and essays, is worth 75% of the quarter grade, while latter, which includes short quizzes and short writing assignments, makes up the remaining 25%.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due