Course Syllabus
Term Grade Categories and Weights + Sequential Term Weights for the Year |
Classical and Modern Language Grading Policy 2024-2025 |
Achievement Assessments 10% |
-Vocabulary and grammar evaluations. -Memorized learned material.(forms,rules, vocabulary) -Completion of homework. -Readiness for class.(on time with needed materials) |
Performance Assessments 90% |
-Presentational evaluations: One-way communication using productive skills of speaking or writing. (for example: monologues or presentations) -Interpersonal evaluations: Two-way communication between individuals using receptive skills (listening or reading) and productive skills (speaking or writing). Meaning is negotiated between two or more individuals. (conversations or written exchanges) -Interpretive evaluations: One way communication using receptive skills (listening to audios or reading stories or articles) -Real-life situations:This is the use of Spanish in class with the instructor and with other students. Students must show use of concepts and vocabulary learned in the class during the year. (ie; Participation) |
Term 1 - 14% |
Term 2 - 22% |
Term 3 - 29% |
Term 4 - 35% |
100% |
F) Immersion Policy: This is “IMPRESCINDIBLE” in this class!!!! This class is conducted in Spanish. You are required to use Spanish at all times. In order to help you maintain that expectation you need to become experts in Circumlocution! (=an indirect way of expressing something. ) Design your own…. I) “Survival Expressions” - phrases/ expressions that can help you get by if you draw a blank. II) “Vocabulary dictionary” - When you ask ¿Cómo se dice…en español? Write that word!! You will need to have a consistent place to write a word or expression for easy reference. The teacher and students use Spanish exclusively in class. Student to teacher interactions outside of class take place in Spanish at least 95% of the time. |
Acknowledgement We understand the expectations, absence and grading policies in this class. _________________________ _________________________ Student signature date Parent/ guardian signature date |
Language Laboratory Rules
- You will always follow Señora O’Neill’s instructions in the Laboratory.
- When entering the Laboratory, leave the backpacks and cell phones by the door. You are only allowed to keep a PENCIL and an ERASER. Pens are not allowed.
- If you need to “ir a los servicios” you must log in your computer first.
- Neither food, nor drinks, nor gum is allowed in the Laboratory.
- Sit in the seat you are assigned on the first day.
- You will treat the equipment with respect while you are using it in the Laboratory. Inform Señora O’Neill if there is any writing on your desk.
- Before you leave the Laboratory you will make sure there is no trash around your seat.
_________________________ _______________________
Student signature Date
Remind: This is a website that all students in my class NEED to join and which allows me to TEXT you all reminders about homework and evaluations. It also allows you to text me! This gives us better communication!!!
Bloque marrón |
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |