Course Syllabus

Algebra 2 ACP                                                                                                                 

Instructor: Ms. Alex Kent                                                Wellesley High School, Room 450



Extra Help:

  • Seek extra help. Ask when you don’t understand something. Don’t wait until “nothing makes sense”. You can find me in room 450. I am available Block A on Course Days 2 and 6, and from 2:45 - 3:30 on Tuesdays (unless otherwise noted i.e. you have a test on Tuesday so I will stay after Monday etc.)
  • Use the Math Lab in room 427 (Room 452 during block 1). There are teachers there to help you with any questions you have! 

Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy

To maintain a focused and respectful learning environment, cell phones, smart watches, and other electronic devices will not be used during class time. As students enter the classroom, they will park their phones and smart watches in their assigned spaces in the back of the classroom. Students will also put their devices on Do Not Disturb mode to avoid sounds or vibrations from disrupting the class. These devices will not be accessed by students, including during bathroom breaks, without specific permission. Additional electronics, including headphones, will also not be used during class time. 

Course Expectations:


  • Come to class on time each day with your binder/notebook, pencil(s) and calculator.
  • Take out your homework when you sit down.


  • Take notes daily in class.
  • Complete homework every night as assigned.
  • Be attentive and courteous when your classmates or teacher are speaking.
  • Show all work in solutions. This is helpful when doing homework problems, worksheets, not just on assessments. Writing out the process steps as a part of solutions helps learning. When written explanations are required for solution, complete sentences are to be used.


  • Ask one classmate and check your notes before you ask the teacher for help
  • ASK questions if concepts or ideas are not understood. No topic related question is too unimportant to ask. Remember, the only bad question is the one not asked.
  • Seek extra help. Ask when you don’t understand something. Don’t wait until “nothing makes sense”. You can find me in room 450. I am available Block A on Course Days 1 and 4, and from 2:45 - 3:30 on Tuesdays unless otherwise stated.
  • Use the Math Lab in room 427 (Room 452 during block 1). There are teachers there to help you with any questions you have! 
  • Check answers and work on Canvas.



  • Come to class on time each day
  • Turn in assignments on their date due, during class. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up any missed assignments, quizzes, and/or tests as well as obtaining any handouts or missed notes from someone who was present. Please tell me in advance when you want to meet with me to discuss your make-up work.


Materials: Scientific Calculator - if you need an upgrade and want a graphing calculator I recommend – recommend a TI-83 (+) or TI – 84 (+/ Silver / Color)

                   (Graphing) Notebook – recommend a 3 ring binder to keep organized

                   Pencil – always recommended for math classes

                   The primary book we will use is the Algebra 2 by Ron Larson and Laurie Boswell

Course Outline:

Major Topics Covered (Order is subject to change)

  • Algebra 1/Geometry Review – Linear Equations, Slopes & Equations of Lines
  • Equations & Inequalities
  • Linear Equations, Inequalities and Functions
  • Linear Systems
  • Quadratic Functions
  • Exponential Functions
  • Exponential and Radical Functions
  • Data Analysis & Statistics
  • Right Triangle Trigonometry
  • Polynomial Functions


 Each term grade will be calculated as follows:

  • Homework Check Ins/Delta Math - 10% of the grade
  • Assessments – 45% of the grade
  • Cumulative – 30% of the grade
  • Flex Grade – 15% of the grade
    • Whichever of the cumulative or the mean of the assessments is higher

Each quarter is 22% of the year grade and the Final at the end of the year is 12%.


I look forward to working with each and every one of you this year!


                                                                                                Ms. Kent

Getting to Know Me Video