Course Syllabus

Child Study Lab Rm. 111/ Child Lab


Grades 12 - with application and approval of the instructor

Intensive Responsibilities & Expectations

Intensives are all assigned to Child Lab during blue block as well as 1 additional color block course each semester.  They are expected to participate actively during A block and afterschool from 2:30-3:30 when not engaged in other school obligations.  


During the School Year

  • Treat peers, other Intensives, children and parents with respect and kindness.
  • Make sure the children are happy, healthy, and safe at all times!


Morning Responsibilities and Routines

  • All come in before 7:30 every morning to open the classroom…take down chairs/wash tables, set-up sign in table, counting table, activity table, breakfast, and free play areas.
  • Meet and greet each parent and child upon arrival and supervise entry routines (unpack, wash hands, flip your face, sign-in, etc)
  • Sign-in with the children every morning and work on pencil grasp and proper letter formation.  Have them say each letter while writing.  Work on letter sounds.
  • Be out and about and engaged with the children in the child lab classroom as it is our responsibility to keep our little people safe.


Calendar Time (Advisory block)

  • Meet and collaborate to facilitate calendar time every morning with the child of the week, and sing the “Days of the Week” song. 
  • Reinforce “Whole Body Listening” everyday at calendar, and at other times throughout the day.
  • Teach the children sign language (corresponding to letter of the week)
  • Teach the children a new song of the week each week according to theme
  • Help set up for snack (wash tables, pass out placemats, distribute snacks)


After School Responsibilities

  • Create a calendar to ensure at least 3 Intensives stay after school until 3:30 to help Mrs. Jones as well as clean and close up the room.  (This includes wiping down tables and putting chairs up, helping pack up the children’s backpacks.)  It is understood this is on a rotating basis due to out of school schedules and not (sports, jobs, NHS, etc.)
  • Double check classroom (Room 111) to make sure there are no leftover messes (paper scraps, glue, scissors, etc…) and that the chairs are up.
  • Clean up and straighten toys and books at the end of each day to make sure it’s ready for the next.


Classroom Management

  • Change bulletin boards (BB’s include theme of the week, child of the week, flip your face-once a month, calendar.) as needed weekly and monthly
  • Decorate dramatic play area according to theme (ex: making a cardboard airplane for transportation or farm stand for fall) or a prop box if more appropriate
  • Pick out / change the books under the loft every week according to theme
  • Change easel background paper once a week, wash paint brushes daily, empty paint cups and clean every Friday to start out fresh on Monday.
  • Keep the learning game cabinet and other cabinets in classroom organized


Teaching and Learning

  • Coordinate special time during each 8:30 block class pairing preschoolers with high schoolers to work on individual learning goals 
  • Plan, prepare and teach lessons/activities for each blue block.
  • Day 7 (2nd block) organize Intensive focus groups with the children addressing individual learning needs/goals.
  • Facilitate Circle time before most color blocks, reading stories or singing songs before the activity prepared for that block
  • Keep records of each child’s growth and development in journals on social and academic behavior.


Administrative Duties

  • Maintain attendance over the progression of the day (on whiteboard)
  • Daily running list of to-dos and communication (on whiteboard)
  • Newsletter (comes out every Friday with activities from the week, coming events (child of the week, letter of the week, theme of the week) *Attach a letter formation “worksheet.”*
  • Organize class events for parents (ex: Thanksgiving feast and the Class Play; this includes creating invitations)
  • Supervise and organize all materials for field trips
  • Organize graduation for the children at the end of the year (HUGE JOB!)
  • Facilitate conferences with the parents with a personal write up for each child’s growth. To be held in January/February.
  • Record an ongoing list of reminders/helpful tips for the incoming Intensives for the following year.  This should be updated as needed.

Before the School Year Begins

  • Come in for the 2 teacher days before the official start day for students
  • Set up and organize the classroom (furniture, bulletin boards, materials, centers, books, etc.)
  • Organize and label all cubbies and hooks for each child.
  • Make lunch placemats
  • Label and organize all objects for children used throughout the year (rest time mats, sign in sheets, place mats for lunch, etc.)
  • Decorate welcome boards
  • Plan activities for the first week of school
  • Children checklists (print and put in pocket on cabinet door in Mrs. Bender’s room)


This list is continually being updated and changed.   Last updated March 2024

Course Summary:

Date Details Due