Course Syllabus

Welcome to 

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Ms. Spangler

Office Hours: Wednesdays 2:30-3:05, Room 341

Classroom: 339


(Link to Back to School Presentation Slides)

Dear Students, Parents & Guardians,

In this course, we will explore the major concepts in biology, emphasizing problem solving, laboratory exercises, and the application of biology to everyday life. We use a phenomenon-first approach where students will explore a human condition or biology-related example and then use that as an anchor for the unit. This ‘storylining’ or ‘spiraling’ methodology provides the answer to the common student lament of ‘why do we have to know this?’ and provides an inherent motivation for students to figure out the answers to common (or not so common!) human afflictions or environmental phenomena.  

Skills that will be emphasized in this class will be critical thinking, experimentation using the scientific method, data collection, argumentation and scientific writing.  There will be less ‘knowing about’ and more ‘figuring out’ in this class. While we will be learning a lot of Biology content, critical thinking, problem solving, data analysis and collaboration are some of the skills students will be developing in the context of dynamic and exciting biology content. 

Our class will meet in Room 339 (but my office is in Room 358 and office hours will be in room 341).

I look forward to working with you this year. Don’t forget that I am here to help you succeed in Biology.  I hope this will be a rewarding year for all of us! (scroll down for course expectations!)

Best regards,

Carolyn “Beanie” Spangler 


Wellesley High School Course Overview and Expectations

Biology 11 ACP


Textbook: OpenStax

Teacher: Ms. Spangler


Classroom: Room 339 

Office: Room 358


  • Charged Laptop
  • Loose leaf paper in a 3-ring binder 
  • Pen/Pencil
  • Headphones

All course curriculum will be posted on Canvas. I recommend that you add the Canvas app to your phone and allow push notifications so you can be aware of any class updates (sent through the announcement feature in Canvas).

Classroom Expectations

The community of learners in our classroom must work respectfully, collaboratively, and openly so that each student may have the opportunity to learn and share effectively. As a class, we will always adhere to the WHS core values:

Academic excellence

Cooperative and caring relationships

Respect for human differences

Commitment to community

It is important that you understand the policies and rules outlined in the WHS Student Handbook apply to you AT ALL TIMES during this class 

Academic Honesty/Integrity

Please be clear that cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty (such as the sharing of google docs or unapproved use of AI) will not be tolerated and the school policy will be followed. Assume ALL assignments are INDIVIDUAL unless otherwise noted. There are occasional group assignments, but these are few and far between. All original google documents will be shared with editing privileges whenever turned in in the comment section of the assignment. Do NOT share documents with classmates (really - do not do this - I have seen this go badly…).


It is expected that you arrive to class and are in your seats ready to work by the starting bell. The labs (7:30 am start time) require important safety instructions, directions and background and often will not be able to be completed appropriately if you are late. If you know you will be absent or tardy from class, please let me know. It is important for you to contact me about missed work ASAP or you will fall behind.  


Students will earn term grades based on the quality and accuracy of their work, weighted as follows:

   Assessments (Tests/Quizzes): 50%        Assignments (Classwork, HW, Labs, Projects): 50%

Year Grades are weighted by term as indicated below:. 

                     Q1: 22%         Q2: 22%         Q3: 22%          Q4: 22%           E1: 12%*

                                   *E1 = plant project, Midterm & Final Exam grades

*Late Work Note

It is my intent to assign due dates that correspond to class periods (so nothing should be due on a drop day). All unit work is due by the date listed on Canvas. Typically, there is an automatic and built-in 1-2 day grace period for HW and Lab assignments. However, once assignments are evaluated and the grades pushed to PS from Canvas, late penalties could be assigned (~10% per day). ALL assignments for the unit must be completed before the Unit test. Any unit work submitted after the assessment for that unit cannot be accepted and no credit can be earned for those assignments. If you know you will need an extension that goes beyond the 1-2 day grace period, please speak with me in class, or reach out via email. (Note: While due dates on HW and Labs have a small grace period, Unit Assessments must be taken on the assigned date.) 

*Tests & Quizzes:

Tests will always be announced in advance.  You can expect at least two tests and a quiz or two  per term.  If you have an educational plan stating that you may take your tests in a different setting or you allotted extended time, please make these arrangements BEFORE test day. You are expected to take the test on the day that it is scheduled. 

*Test Corrections: Test corrections are available for all students after assessments (not for HW or Labs) and up to 25% of the total credit lost may be made up and added to the assessment score.

Extra Help/Office Hours

I have scheduled ‘Office Hours’ on WEDNESDAY afternoons from 2:30-3:05 in Room 341

*note this room is not our classroom

You can also look for me in the science office space in Room 358 or in my other classroom (341). My schedule/rooms will be posted outside the classroom so you can find me! 

*Science Help Center in Room 257! 

*Note: Office hours are subject to change with notice to students in advance and updates will be posted and communicated to students. 

Parent/Guardian-Teacher Communication

Parents/Guardians should feel free to contact either me via email at, as email is the best means of communication. Our class syllabus on Canvas is public as well and can be accessed on our teacher page on the school website (under Staff Directory).