Course Syllabus

Welcome to Algebra 1 ACP!

Click here for Course Expectations & Grading Policies

Click here to see a short introduction video from the teacher.

Extra Help:

There are many extra help resources available at WHS; you can come to my extra help hours, visit the Math Lab, and/or request a peer tutor.

I am available for extra help during the following times:

  • Mondays after school 2:30-3:00 in room 416 
  • Block A (7:45-8:25) on days 5 & 7 in room 416 
  • Block A (7:30-8:30) on days 3 & 4 in room 452 (Math Lab)

Use this link to find the Math Lab schedule and room numbers.  This year, I am in the Math Lab on:

  • Day 2: Blocks C (Orange) and E (Red), room 427
  • Day 3: Block A, room 452
  • Day 4: Block A, room 452
  • Day 5: Block F (Blue), room 427