Course Syllabus

ALL LC  --> 2024-2025 School Year 

Junior Year! 

Mr. Lewis 
Rm. 252 
Mr. Lewis' Schedule




Testing Prep/Planning Form

- needs to be filled out 48 hours before your test.


MAJOR EVENTS OF 11th (Junior Year) 
- PSAT (October) 
- Mock College OR Job Interview (Winter/Spring)
- ACT & SAT - should I take them? Are they worthwhile to me? (Everyone will have a different response!)
Transition Planning - What are post-WHS goal(s)? What are they today in this moment? How can I reach those goals and what are the steps needed to get there?


It is the responsibility of the student to communicate absences and when out check canvas and review covered material. 

Email Mr. Lewis (
Email your teachers! And when you do, you should expect and look for a response and follow up with them both IN PERSON & VIA EMAIL. 


Hi Ms. Smith, 
I was not in class today as I was home sick. I saw on Canvas that we worked on Reflection & Refraction worksheet 12.1. I will try to complete what I can and come in with any questions. 
Thank you,

Communication is critical!! 

Teachers will not come find you for missing work, YOU need to find them during Block A (7:30 - 8:30), Directed Researches, LC, or After School. Being Proactive will eliminate and alleviate missing school and missed assignments.


  • If you have EXTENDED TIME as part of an IEP:
    • You must take the test on one calendar day. It cannot be split up between days. 
    • You may not see a portion of the test and come back to work on it later, so if we plan for split times I will split the test for you. (If I hand you the entire test and you get to the end of class and suddenly tell me that you need extended time later, that will no longer be possible because you have seen the test.)
    • If splitting an assessment between two different sittings, you will take the test one page at a time and come to a complete stop on a page before the end of your first sitting. 
    • You may not be excused from any class for your extended time. Use Block A, DR, LC, and Free blocks. 
    • You should look at your schedule, propose a plan to your classroom teacher, and copy me (LC teacher) to plan out your extended time. 
    • Plans for assessments need to be made at least 24 hours ahead of the test. 


Need a peer tutor?

National Honor Society provides peer tutoring in most subject areas. Complete this formLinks to an external site. and you will be assigned a tutor based on your needs and skill level. If you are not contacted within a cycle, please see Mr. (Eric) Collins (Room 443) or Mr. Krieger (Room 246).



  • It is a skill that we will continue to work and build upon!
  • Organization expands beyond physical papers handed out in class.
  • Your Google Drive (Docs/Sheets/Slides) is all a part of your organization.
  • Use Google Calendar to organize events in your life! 
  • Using Goole Keep for nightly homework assignments. 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due