Course Syllabus
Honors Chemistry
School Year 2024-2025
7 Credits
Teacher: Ms. Barney
Office Hours: Every Monday from 2:30-3:05 in Room 438 (unless otherwise specified).
Course Description:
The objective for this course is to allow students to develop an appreciation for science and the chemical properties that govern our world. Students will spend time examining the physical structure of matter, how this matter interacts through chemical processes, and the role of energy in these interactions. Students will also develop an appreciation for the application of Chemistry in our society. Experiments, application activities, problem solving, and group decision-making are a central part of this course. Nightly homework focuses on reviewing class notes, applying concepts learned in class, and laboratory reports. Students in this course should have completed a year of science and have the recommendation of their grade nine science teacher.
Course Sequence:
Sequence subject to change to better accommodate students and schedule.
Semester 1: Chapter 1: Quantifying Chemistry Chapter 2: The Nature of Matter Chapter 3: Atomic Structure Chapter 4: Nuclear Chemistry Chapter 5: Electrons in Atoms Chapter 6: The Periodic Table Chapter 7: Chemical Bonds Chapter 8: Chemical Equations Chapter 9: The Mole |
Semester 2: Chapter 10: Stoichiometry Chapter 11: Molecular Compounds Chapter 12: Intermolecular Forces Chapter 13: Gases Chapter 14: Solutions Chapter 15: Chemical Kinetics and Equilibrium Chapter 16: Acids and Bases
Required Course Materials:
You are expected to bring the following materials to class every day:
- Pen or pencil
- A notebook to take notes
- A binder or folder to organize handouts
- Scientific calculator*
- Charged laptop
- Chemistry workbook
Textbook and Workbook - You will be provided with a copy of the van Geel textbook and workbook. Please bring your workbook to class every day. There is an answer key in the back of the workbook. The textbook can stay at home. A PDF of the textbook is posted on Canvas.
*Scientific Calculator - The subject of Chemistry is often very math-based. You should bring a calculator daily. Sophomores often have a graphing calculator for Math class, and I recommend using that for Chemistry as well. If you do not have a graphing calculator, you do not need to purchase one just for Chemistry. Graphing calculators, cell phones, or other electronic devices may not always be permitted.
Grading Policy:
The final grade for Honors Chemistry will be calculated according to the following breakdown:
- Quarters 1-4 22% each
- Semester Exams 6 % each
Quarter Grade Details:
Summative Assessments:
- There will be a summative assessment at the end of each unit to monitor student mastery. Each test will be worth 100 points. Quizzes will be worth 20-30 points and given as needed.
Lab Activities and Projects:
- Lab activities will be worth 10-15 points. A larger, long term project might be worth more. Each lab partner must turn in an individual lab activity.
Canvas Quizzes:
- Each unit will have a series of Canvas Quizzes worth 3-8 points. These quizzes can be retaken to gain mastery of content.
- Homework assignments will be assigned most nights and is due the following class. It is expected that you do your homework to the best of your ability. Most homework will not be collected. Students will always have a chance to ask clarifying questions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Graded assignments are posted on the Canvas Calendar and in PowerSchool. Students are expected to check assignments and grades often.
Extra Help:
There are many resources available for students to be successful in this course. Use these resources as needed throughout the year. Be proactive and seek help when you need it!
- Ms. Barney’s office hours: Mondays from 2:30-3:05 in room 438 or by appointment
- Science Support Center
- Help Videos on Canvas
- NHS Peer Tutoring
- If a student is absent, please check in with another student and look at Canvas. Follow up with me as needed.
- If I am absent, I will communicate my expectations for the day via Canvas.
Student Engagement Expectations:
- Communication and patience are the most important elements for student engagement! Students should reach out whenever they need additional support. Please make sure to use the resources available to you, including the Help Videos linked on Canvas.
- Cell phones are expected to be put away during class. If a student needs to access their phone, please ask for permission.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |