Course Syllabus
AP Calculus BC Expectations Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:35-3:05 (subject to change with notice)
Students must take responsibility for their actions. This includes homework, classwork, behavior and assessment results.
There is a set syllabus for AP Calculus BC. It must be covered before the AP exam, May 12, 2025. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with the pace required to finish the material on the syllabus. Students are expected to finish homework assignments each night. Students must complete homework showing all work. A homework paper with only answers will receive a grade of zero. Students must participate during class. If a student has forgotten or is not familiar with background material it is up to the student to fill in these gaps independently. Students must be in class on time and prepared.
This class is a college level class and students will be expected to do substantial amounts of work independently.
Students will show respect for all people and property in the classroom.
If a student is absent, it is that student’s responsibility to find out what classwork, assessment, homework or other material was missed and to make arrangements to make up the work. If a student is absent the day before an assessment they still are required to take the test or quiz with the class as usual. See student handbook.
If a student misses an assessment, the student should report to my classroom to take it during block 1 the day the student returns to school. If the student has a class during block 1, they should e-mail me the day before they return to make arrangements. See student handbook. Failure to do so will result in loss of credit on the assessment.
If a student is having difficulty, it is the student’s responsibility to seek out help. I will try to be available before and after school as much as possible. The math lab is available during many blocks including block one.
Students must have a graphing calculator.
If a student does not meet my expectations that are listed above the following actions will be taken (depending on the situation’s seriousness).
- Discuss the problem with the student outside of class.
- Discuss the problem with parent / guardian.
- Refer the problem to the school administration.
Tardy Policy
Students are expected to be on time to class. This includes Block A class. After the third time a student is tardy the student will be given a class cut. See student handbook.
Grading Policy
I understand that very occasionally a student may not be able to complete a homework assignment. The student should bring the completed work the next day for 90% credit. After more than one day the student will receive a zero for the assignment.
On every longer assessment students should expect at least one question covering a past topic. Students must be prepared for this.
Assessments 90%
Homework 10% (This grading scheme may be adjusted with notice to students.)
There is no extra credit offered. Students should focus on mastering regular credit work.
Academic Integrity,
A student that submits work as their own that did not originate with them is cheating. This includes copying, getting help, using notes or using the internet on assessments. Using a calculator program to store notes or using a calculator program that was not given to you by me is cheating. Students may work cooperatively on homework. That means students can work together and all participate in getting solutions. It is cheating to copy someone’s homework or have someone do the homework for you. If a student is found to be cheating, even on part of an assessment or homework, a grade of zero will be given for the entire assessment or homework. It is also cheating to ask someone for any information about an assessment they have taken but you have not. If a student is unclear about whether a situation will be considered cheating the student should see me.
Cell Phones, electronics and any devices that can connect to the internet.
These items are not needed for the class and may not be used. Cellphones / smartwatches must be parked and silent in the area provided for the duration of class.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |