Course Syllabus
Boehm office hours are (typically) Wednesdays 2:30-3pm! This is a change from Thursdays! Please take note! ANNOUNCEMENT: Office hours the week of 1/6 will be during INTERVENTION time on Wed 1/8
Here you can find the honors biology course syllabus and course expectations for the 2024-2025 school year. Course Syllabus and Course Expectations
Ms. Boehm's office hours will be Wednesday afternoons from 2:30-3pm. Exceptions to this will be made by contacting me directly, and hours will be adjusted when there are faculty meetings. Please note that I am part time and am typically not in the building in the afternoons. If you need to meet with me outside of my office hours or class time, just email me!
Honors Biology: Policies and Procedures
Please remember that the policies, rules and expectations outlined in the WHS Student Handbook apply to students at all times.
Teacher: Ms. Boehm
Classroom: Room 337/338, Office is in Room 358
Website: Canvas
General Classroom Culture
The core values of Wellesley High School (Academic Excellence, Respect for Human Differences, Cooperative and Caring Relationships, and Commitment to Community) will always be upheld as a standard in our learning community and in our classroom. I always encourage and expect members of our class to treat each other and members of our WHS community with respect, kindness, compassion, and openness. This also includes academic integrity, daily preparation for active participation with an emphasis on diversity and inclusion.
Materials you will need/are suggested:
- 3 ring binder with loose-leaf paper or notebook
- Pens and pencils (different colors are often helpful)
- Charged laptop/charger
- Headphones (sometimes we view videos during classwork)
Class Textbook: Campbell Biology Concepts & Connections, 8th Ed. ($120 replacement cost)
Student Evaluation:
Grades are determined by averaging and weighting all work assigned during the school year. The categories and approximate weightings are: (these weightings may change during IRP /Final Experience time)
- Assessments (Tests, Quizzes, Lab reports): 60%
- Assignments (Labs/projects/classwork): 40%
- *Most homework assignments will be ungraded unless specifically stated in Canvas. There will be frequent graded, formative assessments to check for student understanding based off of the homework assignments and labs.
- Late work policy: Students have the opportunity to earn up to an 80% on late assignments up until the date of the unit assessment. After a unit assessment, late assignments will not be accepted for credit.
Please make every effort to attend class and be on time!! Labs BEGIN at 7:29 am. If you have a written excuse for being late, take it to the house office before coming to class. If you are late without a written excuse, come directly to class. All attendance policies outlined in the student handbook will be followed. If you know you will be absent or tardy from class, please email me ( ASAP. It is important for you to contact me about missed work or you will fall behind. Communication is key!!
Academic Honesty/Integrity
Please see the WHS Student Handbook for expectations regarding academic integrity and honesty. The expectation is that all work you turn in and that you show on tests/quizzes/exams is your own.
A majority of course materials will be on Canvas or in printed packets. Units will be outlined in module format and links to all documents, homework assignments, slideshows, labs, etc. will be found in these modules. The Canvas calendar will feature daily agendas that include tasks and important due dates as well as a Course Calendar document will be updated for each unit. The announcement feature will be regularly used for any and all updates, especially if there is a last minute change (like a canceled class- this is rare, but it happens occasionally). Please check Canvas and Canvas Calendar regularly for course information and updates. If you are absent, this is a good place to check. I strongly encourage you to download the Canvas app to your cell phones and allow push notifications so you have the most up to date information possible.
Technology Use (Phones and Laptops)
Cell phones will remain turned off/silenced and in backpacks (NOT in pockets!). (See āBrain Drainā for an evidence-based approach to this policy - it was highlighted in a TeenVogue article too). Occasionally, phones will be used as tools (for instance the camera is valuable for data collection) but usually they are off and out of sight. The use of laptops will be frequent. The appropriate use of technology is expected and the district acceptable use policy for technology & BYOL agreement will be adhered to at all times (frequent infractions include prohibited behaviors such as texting or watching non-school related videos during class time).
I look forward to working with each of you this year. Please know that I am here to help you learn and succeed in biology. I hope this will be a rewarding year for all of us.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |