Course Syllabus

Ms. Derryberry

Academic Strategies, 2023-2024

Office Hours:  Tuesdays 2:30-3:00

 What is Learning Center?

  • On your transcript Learning Center (“LC”) is called Academic Strategies.  You do not receive a letter grade for this class, but you do receive credit and a Pass/Fail grade.  To pass and to receive full credit, you must meet the requirements outlined in this document.
  • The core purpose of this class is to help you explore and evaluate your individual learning needs while receiving support in targeted areas (or what is on your IEP).  Individual goals and objectives are central to this process.
  • LC is also designed to help you develop and expand your reading, writing, self-advocacy, and organizing and planning skills.

What are the non-negotiable policies and expectations?

  • You must be respectful to teachers and peers.
  • You must adhere to the WPS Core Values (posted in classroom and on WPS website).
  • You must be fully present.
  • You must be polite, clean up after yourself, and always follow classroom and school-wide expectations.

Attendance (see school handbook for details)

  • Unexcused absences will result in class cuts. 
  • If you arrive at any point after the bell it is a tardy. 
  • If you arrive more than 29 minutes after the bell without a pass, it is an unexcused absenceSee the student handbook for further information.

And absolutely:

  • No airpods.*
  • No phones.*
  • No videogames.
  • No personal messaging on your laptop.

*Airpods and/or phones may be used with prior permission for educational purposes.

 What are my responsibilities in Learning Center?

  • Learning Center is not an independent, student-driven study hall. 
  • You are expected to interact with your special educator and/or teaching assistant throughout every class period.
  • Refusing help or check-ins is unacceptable.            
  • Last minute “emergency homework” is not allowed on a regular basis.  You should come to LC prepared to work on tasks relating to your individual goals and objectives.  (For example, if a student attends learning center to work on writing skills, s/he should not expect to work on math homework due the next period.  Homework should be completed to the best of one’s ability at home.)
  • You are expected to be receptive to learning new skills and strategies. 
  • You are expected to regularly participate in conversations with your special educator regarding course requirements and assignments, in addition to IEP goals and objectives. 
  • You are expected to engage in regular activities that promote self-reflection and awareness.

What should I bring to Learning Center?

  • You must bring appropriate materials to every class, including your laptop, books, folders and/or binders. Wasting time in learning center due to a lack of materials is unacceptable. 
  • You must bring your academic plan book (or electronic version if that is your preference) to every class. 
  • You will maintain a Google Doc as well as a physical folder in the classroom for all learning center activities. 

Requirements:  Self-Reflections, Organization/Planning Check-Ins and Other Activities     

  • You will spend time in LC evaluating and reflecting on your performance, goals, and plans.  This will include your use of learning strategies, study techniques, and work habits. You will maintain a journal to keep track of your progress. The process of self-reflection is designed in part to help you think more deeply about yourself and to really look at how you study, organize, and perform.  Writing about your reflections helps you to become more aware of your behaviors and outcomes.  
  • You will complete an organizer every cycle to monitor your PowerSchool/Canvas postings, list any missing work, and make sure your binders and backpacks are clean and organized.
  • At least two times per quarter, you will make and complete an organizer to update progress, plan for upcoming assessments/projects, and to target learning resources going forward.
  • At least once per cycle, you will engage in activities designed to help you with a number of tasks:  learning about your IEP, tracking your goals, working on transition planning, and building your background knowledge around various topics to improve your student skills across all curriculum areas.
  • Two-three times per cycle, you will complete brief social-emotional learning activities which will help you to connect with peers/teachers and practice communication skills.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due