Course Syllabus

Looking for extra help?  My schedule, availability in the Science Support Center, and office hours are all listed here!

Office Hours are Fridays from 6:55 - 7:30 am.


“Man must rise above the Earth – to the top of the atmosphere and beyond – for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives.” -- Socrates


Welcome to Astronomy!  This course is an in depth exploratory course of astronomy where we will dive into some fascinating and at times crazy sounding topics!  We will cover topics including stars, the technology and science of studying space from Earth, the solar system, astrobiology, cosmology, and black holes.  

This course will also focus on developing both student and science skills such as data analysis, experimentation, questioning and observation, presenting, and collaboration.

This course is being offered at the ACP and Honors level this year.  Honors students will have out of class reading with Canvas discussions, additional lab analysis questions, and sometimes different / additional project components.

Science is rooted in curiosity, observation, and data.  The best individual learning in this class, comes from community learning.  We all must come to class curious, willing to ask questions, make connections, observations and wonder to promote thought provoking conversations we can all benefit from.

Contact:  Office room 358.  Email:



  1. Be on time.
  2. Be ready to learn - have an engaged mind.
  3. Bring all necessary materials with you to class (or your work station at home).  See below for details.
  4. Be respectful of both your teacher and your peers.
  5. Be patient and kind. 
  6. Be respectful of any class equipment.  Use it only as it was designated to use.
  7. Work collaboratively with your peers in a respectful and constructive manner during group work – we will be working with groups and partners A LOT in this class.  Make a good reputation for yourself, and give every person you work with a fresh opportunity to be a better partner. 
  8. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated in any way. Procedures as outlined by the Student Handbook will be followed if anyone is caught copying others work or letting someone else copy their own work.  Penalties for cheating will be determined on a case by case basis.  Please be mindful of doing your own work on Google Docs and NOT using artificial intelligence for your work.


  • Folder to keep handouts / labs in
  • Laptop and charger (or fully charged laptop…)
  • Writing utensil
  • Headphones

Quarter Grading Policy:

All Assignments– 90%

Class Participation – 10%

Students who are unhappy or concerned about their grade(s) should talk to me, I am always willing to discuss your grade and how you are doing in class.  My job is to make sure you succeed, so if there is a problem, we should discuss it.  However, this should be done by appointment NOT during class time. You are also encouraged to see me for extra help if you need it.  You can also email me if you need help.  Don’t wait until it is too late to change your grade! 

Class Policies

  • When in doubt, stay out!  If you are not well enough to be in school, please stay home!
  • If you miss class and have an excused absence, please email me so we can discuss what you missed and the best way to catch you up.  If you know you will be out for an extended period, please let me know so we can work out a way to catch you up!
    • Check Canvas for assigned work.
  • If I am out, please check canvas for announcements / assignments.  I expect work assigned on classes that I am out to be completed by the next class.  If I do request a sub, make sure to be respectful and complete the work asked of you during class time. 
  • Class time is used to work on ASTRONOMY ASSIGNMENTS.  If you use class time to work on other assignments, you will not receive any additional time to complete the assignment and will receive a zero if not done by the end of the class it is due.  You are welcome to work on other assignments IF you are done with your astronomy work AND have completed it to the best of your ability. 
  • No late work is accepted beyond the last day of the unit, unless extenuating circumstances exist.  If you have an extenuating circumstance please discuss it with me so we can work out the best way for you to stay up to date and successful in class!  Please make sure to take the initiative to reach out to me if you need an extension or extra help and I will be as flexible as possible to help you when possible!
    • Presentations that are late will receive reduced credit, with a reduction of 20% each class not presented (Ex.  If your presentation is late the day it is due, the highest grade you can achieve next class is an 80%).
    • NO credit is given to honors students for late discussion posts.
  • No extra credit - be proactive, and not reactive about your grade!
  • When using lab equipment follow lab safety protocols at all times.
  • Wash your hands!  There are hand sanitizer stations around the room.  If you walk by one, hand sanitize!

The books you sign out throughout the year (honors) must be returned at the end of the year.  The cost of each book varies but are generally less than $40.  The cost of the textbook (if you sign one out) is $132.


  1. The Solar System
  2. Stars
  3. Astrobiology
  4. Space Exploration
  5. Cosmology
  6. Women in STEM
  7. Q4: Relativity, Black Holes, Dark Energy / Matter & Interstellar

Looking for extra help?  My schedule, availability in the Science Support Center, and office hours are all listed here!

Course Summary:

Date Details Due