Course Syllabus
Mr. Johnson (
Course Overview:
The invention of photography and the evolution of moving images changed the way people viewed the world and expressed their ideas and feelings. Later inventions, like photocopy (Xerox) reproduction, radio, television, digital imaging and the internet have expanded perception and communication of ideas and feelings. We will be exploring many different media over the course of the year. Photography Intensive aims to get students to look closely at their world through the lens of a camera. Students will utilize personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, and imagine ways to tell stories using different types of cameras. Assignments will focus on being more aware of what one sees and what can be communicated in a single image, taken in a moment in time. Class time will be devoted to creating images and viewing a variety of media to help students develop a discriminating eye. Students will learn to deconstruct what they see, and appreciate the influential role photographs play in popular culture. Examples will include the work of innovative thinkers using a variety of media to create compelling images. During class critiques, students will learn to look carefully at their own work and the work of others and learn the language to articulate what they see.
Art Intensives Lab Meetings:
The lab blocks will be spent working on projects, and possibly collaborating with Painting & Drawing & Intensive At the end of the year we are planning to put together a combined Intensive art exhibition and Art Intensive Banquet.
Evaluation ~ Grading Requirements:
Student grades will be based on the following requirements:
1.) Handing in at least 15 well-printed photographs, fulfilling class assignments, project criteria etc.
2.) Quality of digital images, negatives and prints, organization, originality/creativity.
3.) Improvement throughout the term.
4.) Altering some images using special techniques.
5.) Participation during class discussions and critiques.
6.) Come to class on time.
7.) Going the extra mile - working during free periods and/or Photo Club in order to achieve high quality work.
Full attendance and punctuality is mandatory. If absent for any reason you must let me know the reason why you were absent at our next class. If your absence is listed as excused, you are responsible for all assignments given during your absence. Please contact me for details about assignment objectives and expectations.
Final Portfolio:
Your final portfolio will be evaluated according to the following criteria: inventiveness, imaginative choice and variety of ideas and subject matter, selectivity of composition and craft interpretations and control. Students final exam (each semester) will be in the form of a portfolio presentation of 15-20 Photographs.
College Portfolio:
Presenting your portfolio to prospective colleges is critical in differentiating you from other applicants. I will be conducting a portfolio presentation workshop for all Photo Intensive students. I can help you refine your college digital portfolio. Each college listed on the Common Application has the option of including an Art Supplement and I highly recommend students taking advantage of including their best photography work. It can also be handy to show your online portfolio during college interviews.
Cubbies and Lab Fee:
Photo Intensive Students get a cubbie space of their own, to keep all of your supplies, and project work etc.
This year is different due to some left over money from Covid-19, the lab fee is FREE this year!
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |