Course Syllabus
Latin 2
Office Hours in Room 146, on Fridays after school and at whatever times throughout the week before or after school that are mutually available.
Quiz average: One half (50%) of term average
Test average: One half (50%) of term average
Latin students are engaged in learning the essential grammatical concepts of classical Latin as written during the first century B.C. and are introduced to the major cultural and historical events of this tumultuous period of Roman history. This is accomplished through the clever presentation in Oxford Latin Course of a reconstructed life of the Roman lyric poet known as Horace. As they progress through the course, students are expected to demonstrate an understanding and application of linguistic concepts, English derivatives and root words, and exact translations (Latin to English and English to Latin) within the cultural and historical contexts studied.
In Latin 2 H, the second year of Latin, students read and translate with greater sophistication to demonstrate control and application of a widening range of grammatical forms and concepts as they learn addition concepts as presented in The Oxford Latin Course: Part II and Part III. Passages from original Latin prose and poetry Latin are read, often at sight, as introductions to the substance and spirit of Latin literature.
Texts: Oxford Latin Course: Part II, Maurice Balme & James Morwood, Oxford University, Press, Inc., 1997.
Oxford Latin Course: Part III, Maurice Balme & James Morwood, Oxford University, Press, Inc., 1997.
In addition, students are provided with printed documents and pictorial represenations that supplement the readings of the course.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |