Course Syllabus
After School Office Hours: Ms. Bel: Tuesdays from 2:30-3:05 Ms. Hiester: Day 1 and Day 5 2:30-3:05
Ms. Bel, Room 406 | | 781-446-6290 x4889 |
This course is an investigation of 19th and 20th century world history. We will study the major political, economic, and social developments of those centuries, looking closely at their causes and consequences and the role of individual decision-making.
Essential Questions:
- If people historically built empires, then why did people come to reject this norm in the modern era?
- In what ways did the struggle to define identity drive power dynamics in modern history?
- Why and how did the global economic landscape shape individual rights and national vitality?
Units of Study:
- Change in the 19th Century
- World War I
- Between the Wars
- World War II
- The World Since 1945
Required Supplies for Every Class:
- Spiral-bound notebook & all assigned readings
- Your tool kit
- A working writing utensil
- Laptop and charger
- Headphones that work with your computer
- 3 different colored highlighters
Curiosity, initiative, and persistence are three qualities that will carry you this year. Practice them. Doing so will require other behaviors. Treat everyone in the class with respect. Listen to and talk with your classmates in discussion. Commit yourself to personal development and not simply getting the work done. Be willing to take risks, like asking questions or sharing original ideas: we will all benefit when you do. Remember that what we do here is important. You can do it. Your teacher and classmates will help.
As a student in this course, you are expected to notice patterns and relationships between and among the people, places, movements, and events we study. You should notice when information is different than what you thought you knew. You should register your own emotional responses when what you learn moves you in some way. These habits of mind will require engagement on your part. It is that depth of engagement that will guide you to success in this class.
Ask for the help you need. Ms. Bel cares about you. She wants you to succeed. Reach out when you have questions, need clarification or coaching, or need extra time due to an unforeseen challenge (and do so in a timely manner, not at the last minute or after the fact). We are in this together!
Technology Norms:
You must put your cell phone away during class. That means your cell phone may not be accessible or visible to you. Zip it in your bag.
Put your computer in "do not disturb" mode OR turn off all notifications.
When we use computers, the only applications or web pages that are to be open are the ones we are using for this class.
Course Assessment:
*You may improve a score (up to a B) on a major assignment once per quarter by meeting with Ms. Bel and responding to a related open response prompt within one cycle of a posted grade.
How do I get the grade I want?
How do I access feedback on Canvas?
- Go to Grades.
- Click Assignments.
- Choose Show All Details (located on the upper right side of the screen).
- Scroll to the correct assignment and read what Ms. Bel has written.
- Then, write down the feedback in your tracker.
- If Ms. Bel is absent, check Canvas for the day's activities.
- If you are absent, complete the activities listed on Canvas. If there is an activity or resource only available in person, go to Ms. Bel's office hours when you return to school.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |