Course Syllabus
Band_Jazz_Performance Calendar_2024-2025.pdf
The Wellesley High School One O’Clock Jazz Band is one of two auditioned instrumental jazz groups at WHS. Each group rehearses together three times per seven-day cycle during Block 1 from 7:30-8:29 AM. All musicians in these bands also perform in the WHS Concert Band or Wind Ensemble. Many of them also perform in the Masterworks Orchestra and Pit Orchestra. The select Jazz Bands perform frequently for school and community functions. They also regularly perform for state level MAJE festivals, as well as other area festivals.
The WHS One O’Clock Jazz Band has regularly taken part in area festivals including MAJE. Numerous years they have gone on to the MAJE State Finals earning several gold medals and having the honor of performing at the Hatch Shell in Boston on multiple occasions. Over the years, students in the Wellesley Jazz Program have worked with guest performing artists, clinicians and had master classes with: Wynton Marsalis, Wycliffe Gordon, Justin DiCioccio, Herb Pomeroy, Tiger Okoshi, Greg Hopkins and the Berklee Concert Jazz Orchestra, Victor Goines, Byron Stripling, Rodney Whitaker, Ron Carter, Walter Blanding, Jim Snidero, Joe Foley, The Kenny Haddley Big Band, Dino Govoni and Trent Austin. Wellesley’s jazz band curriculum presents students with composers and pieces from throughout the history of jazz and in a wide variety of styles. This year the band is studying and preparing tunes by jazz composers from Count Basie to Sonny Rollins to Miles Davis and Duke Ellington, and in styles from Swing to Salsa to Bop.
Rehearsal Participation Expectations
The Wellesley High School One O'Clock Jazz Band performs exciting, challenging, demanding, and intellectually stimulating concert music at a refined level. In a student's four years in the WHS One O'Clock Jazz Band, (s)he will perform many of the great works in the standard jazz repertoire and new literature. This requires strong musicianship and technique, efficient use of rehearsal time, focus and maturity, combined with spirit, dedication, and pride on the parts of WHS One O'Clock Jazz Band members. All members are part of a unified team and should see themselves as leaders who can help shape an inspiring experience.
Some specific expectations for rehearsals include:
THIS CLASS BEGINS PROMPTLY AT 7:30 AM. Students must be in band room by 7:20 AM and ready to play before the downbeat at the bell.
Students are prepared with their instrument, mutes, music, and a PENCIL. Effective practice and progress as a musician are also critical. See GRADING.
Once the rehearsal has started, rehearsal demeanor is maintained. Look to the Senior Intensives, section leaders, your own sense of pride and your aspirations for the group to dictate what this should be for the group of which you want to be a part.
Students are actively engaged in the rehearsal. This includes being ready to play as soon as the count off begins, putting forth effective effort to achieve the musical goal that is set, marking parts whenever a mistake is made, and helping others when needed. Moreover, think critically about what the musical goal is or should be. How can you help your section or the band achieve this? Remember that music is beautiful and exciting! Savor the goosebumps!
Maintaining the bandroom and equipment. This includes putting folders and instruments away in the instrument lockers, taking great care with school owned instruments and equipment, and leaving the bandroom neat. No food or drink is allowed anywhere in the band room. Water is ok—please place bottles in recycling.
All WHS Band & Jazz Students should be taking weekly private lessons. Information about our IVEP Lessons can be found here:
We are part of the MMEA Eastern District.
*DISTRICTS info can be found at:
*ALL-STATE info can be found under "Students" > “Auditions” at:
A minimum of 4 hours of individual (home) practice per week is required of all WHS Instrumental Students. Your practice will be assessed and graded through your performance in rehearsals. Find your way to make this effective and fun! Most successful members of this ensemble practice much more than 4 hours per week. Remember, “time on horn” is the reason the pros sound like they do…
It is required for Jazz Band sections to hold weekly rehearsals for two hours outside of school to work on parts.
Concert Attendance Policy
Being a part of an exceptional band takes spirit, dedication, and pride. Every single member is a vital part of the unified whole. Band members are expected to participate in ALL public performances. This includes ALL school concerts and festivals (e.g. MAJE or Berklee Festivals, etc.). There are only about four performances for the whole year, but each performance is vital. Plan your homework time and participation in other activities to incorporate these approx four dates. In the case of an urgent family commitment, an email from a parent (not the student) must be sent to Mr. Scott at no later than two weeks prior to the event. If a conflict is known well in advance, it is of course expected that it will be brought up and resolved right away, not later. In the case of illness, a parent email should be sent to, as far in advance as possible, or if this is not possible, then a note should be handed in upon return to school. All excused-missed performances must be made up through extra work or responsibilities to be assigned. Unexcused-missed performances may not be made up. Please remember you are joining a team that depends on you for your talent and your positive spirit! No team member is expendable and no performance more or less important than another.
Concert Attire
Please read the CONCERT ATTIRE PDF that details information about ordering students' concert attire. Please go over this info and place your order ASAP to ensure your attire arrives in time to be altered for upcoming concerts. ALL freshmen and new students will need to order all of the detailed attire items for your ensemble (e.g. Concert Band / Wind Ensemble, 1:00 Jazz Band or 2:00 Jazz Band). Upperclassmen should double-check that their attire still fits, but also double-check you have the correct jazz band long silk tie (e.g. 1:00 = red, 2:00 = black). It is 100% OK for students to purchase and wear concert attire that fits their gender identity - please feel free to ask any questions at all. Also note that some items are personally purchased at a store of your choosing (e.g. Jazz Band black dress pants and black dress shirt, black socks, black dress shoes, etc.). Be sure to purchase these items well in advance of our concerts to assure they fit properly.
Great bands look sharp and uniform. Look to the greats for inspiration. Appearance lends a great deal to the musical impact a group has. For all concerts, Wind Ensemble members should wear a personally-owned tuxedo, which includes black tux jacket, black tux pants, black dress shoes and black socks, white long-sleeved collared tux shirt, and black bow tie OR our Band/Orchestra long black formal dress—note that for correct style dress, easiest ordering of tux items and best prices all items should be ordered online from our vendor. For Band Step-Up we wear Band T-Shirts. For the Town Parade and Memorial Day Services, Wind Ensemble members should wear our Band T-Shirts, black pants and black shoes. For all home football games, students should dress comfortably for the weather, but neatly, and wear personally owned red "Wellesley Raiders" hooded Pep Band Jacket purchased from POPS. 1:00 Jazz Band Men purchase a solid red satin tie online, 2:00 Jazz Band Men purchase a solid black satin tie online—and both bands wear a black dress shirt/blouse, black dress pants, black belt, black dress socks and shoes.
Additional Equipment
Everyone needs: a combo lock and a metronome & tuner OR download metronome & tuner apps for your SmartPhone.
Trumpet and trombone players must own a straight mute (Tom Crown) and a cup mute (Dennis Wick). Jazz plungers for trumpet (4 ½”) and trombonists (7”), and jazz trumpet players often need a Harmon mute (Jo-Ral Bubble) and a pixie mute (Humes & Berg). Horn players must also own a Humes & Berg mute. **Please get these specific brands/models. These are quality mutes, and others’ sound will not match.
Jazz Drummers should own a drum key, brushes and 5A sticks.
Jazz Guitarists & Bassists must own and always bring their own patch cords and electronic tuner every day. For all gigs and festivals they should always bring an extension cord and power strip (you never know where your power supply is coming from), extra strings, picks, a small screw driver, small allen wrench set, and needle nose pliers. Make this your "daily carry" and you'll never get caught unprepared. Learn to handle minor repairs quickly.
Office Hours – Thursday afternoons 2:30-3:15 PM.
Public Performances - 25%
Please see Concert Attendance Policy. Music is a form of communication and is meant to be shared and celebrated. Public performances represent the culmination of performing arts studies in the manner a final exam does for a science or history class. Students are required to perform at ALL CONCERTS, AND FESTIVALS. Absences from concerts will result in a zero for that event for this portion of the grade.
Daily Preparation and Class Participation - 50%
Please see Rehearsal Participation Expectations. This portion of the student's grade will also include group-assessment activities after recorded rehearsals and concerts. Students will hand in written evaluations of the group's progress done during class in response to recordings of the concerts.
SmartMusic Assignments - 25%
This portion of students' grades will include recorded excerpts from students' band music and other SmartMusic assignments. Students will submit their recorded assignments via the app.
Event Calendar
*NOTE: Please put applicable dates on your family calendar so that parents are aware of them. Check all dates now and resolve conflicts right away. It is required that students will not wait until two weeks before the event to inform Mr. Scott if a conflict is known earlier. We can fix things now.
Band_Jazz_Performance Calendar_2024-2025.pdf
About the Director
Steven Scott has been teaching instrumental music and songwriting at Wellesley High School for the past twenty-seven years. Ensembles under Mr. Scott's direction have received state and national recognition—performing at venues including Boston Symphony Hall, Mechanics Hall in Worcester, the Boston Hatch Shell, Fenway Park, Berklee Performance Center, Manhattan School of Music, and at Lincoln Center with master classes from Wynton Marsalis. Ensemble accolades include consistent gold medal ratings at MICCA Concert Band Festivals and MAJE Jazz Festivals, being named a National Finalist for the Charles Mingus High School Competition, and four times a National Finalist in the Essentially Ellington Competition. Mr. Scott has also served as a Teaching Associate at Boston University teaching music technology and instrumental repertoire. He and the WHS Wind Ensemble have been featured performers at the Massachusetts Music Educators Association All-State Conference where Mr. Scott has also been a music technology presenter in the past. Mr. Scott has taken part in a number of music education conferences and has had master conducting classes with Herb Pomeroy and Peter Loel Boonshaft. He earned a B.S. in Music Education from The College of St. Rose in Albany, N.Y. where he was named the Theodore Presser Scholar, and a M.A. in Music Education from the Eastman School of Music where he studied with composers Sidney Hodkinson and Fred Sturm. He recently completed a second masters degree – an M.M. in Music Production at Berklee College of Music where he was awarded the iZotope Award for Innovation in Music Production.
Students in the Wellesley Band Program begin instrumental lessons in 4th grade in our after-school Extension Lesson program. All lessons take place at WHS or WMS, and meet for a half-hour once per week. As students progress they join the Wellesley All-Town Band taught by Ms. Julie Verret and Mr. Dave Adams. All-Town Band meets weekly as separate groups in each of our seven elementaries, and then once per month as a full ensemble. At Wellesley Middle School students advance to the 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Bands all of which are also taught by Mr. Adams during the school day. At the end of the 8th grade all students may enroll in the WHS Concert Band and some advanced players are recommended to audition for the Wind Ensemble.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |