Course Syllabus
Bienvenue à la classe de français 3
Mme Perry Salle 147 Office hours starting at 2:30 on Tuesdays in December. In the new year, office hours will start at 2:30 on Mondays and Fridays 1/6 through 3/10. Check Announcements for updates. Need a tutor? Please fill out this form. |
Our course goals: The language benchmark for French 3 is INTERMEDIATE MID
- Essential skills (From the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for World Languages)
- Interpretive Communication - Understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
- Interpersonal Communication - Interact and negotiate meaning in spontaneous spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and perspectives
- Presentational Communication - Present information, concepts, ideas, feelings, opinions, and perspectives to inform, explain, persuade and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media, and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers.
- Intercultural Communication - Interact appropriately with others in and from another culture.
- Cultures - Gain cultural competence and understanding.
- Comparisons - Develop insight into the nature of language and culture to interact with cultural competence.
- What are we studying this year?
- The essential questions guiding the three units of study this year are:
- What does it mean to be an adult?
- What is my role in taking care of the environment?
- What does it mean to live a healthy life?
- The grammar we will be using includes the le présent, le passé composé, l’imparfait, le future, le subjonctif, and le conditionnel
- The essential questions guiding the three units of study this year are:
- How do grades work?
- Success Criteria:
- ACP:
- I can independently create a spoken or written message or participate in a conversation using intermediate-mid language.
- I can be easily understood by someone used to a language learner, and possibly by a native speaker who doesn’t know I’m a language learner.
- I can use a variety of words, expressions and personalized vocabulary and begin to use expanded vocabulary. I can give details.
- I use strings of sentences to describe or explain. I combine simple sentences using connector words to create original sentences. I pose questions to direct or advance a presentation or written work.
- I convey my knowledge of differences in familiar (learned or experienced) cultural products and practices. I use culturally appropriate vocabulary and expressions.
- My errors with targeted structures and/or word order do not interfere with communication.
- I can independently create a spoken or written message or participate in a conversation using intermediate-mid language.
- I can be easily understood by someone used to a language learner, and possibly by a native speaker who doesn’t know I’m a language learner.
- I can use a variety of words, expressions and personalized vocabulary and begin to use expanded vocabulary. I rarely repeat vocabulary words. I can give details. I consistently use vocabulary from in-class resources and/or previous units.
- I use strings of sentences to describe or explain. I combine simple sentences using a variety of sophisticated transition and connecting words to explain, describe or elaborate. I pose questions to direct or advance a presentation or written work.
- I convey my knowledge of differences in familiar (learned or experienced) cultural products and practices. I use culturally appropriate vocabulary and expressions.
- My errors with targeted structures and/or word order do not interfere with communication. I show ample evidence of strong control of previously learned structures.
The World Language Department uses sequential grading
- Each performance assessment counts more heavily than the last (e.g. if the first one is worth 10 points, the last one may be worth 40-50)
- Each quarter counts more heavily than the last:
Sequential Term Weights Term 1 : 12% Term 2 : 19% Term 3 : 26% Term 4 : 31% Final Experience: 12% Year end grade: 100%
- There are two types of assessments:
- Performance assessments – (90% of each quarter grade) – these are tasks where you actually use the language.
- Interpretive Reading- Read an article or infographic with questions
- Interpretive Listening- Listen to a video/audio with questions
- Interpersonal Speaking- Conversations with groups of 2-5 people
- Interpersonal Writing- Writing an email or text exchange with people
- Presentational Writing- Writing an essay/paragraph
- Presentational Speaking- Giving a short presentation on a topic, this may be in front of the class or not (e.g., a voicemail, a vlog post, etc.)
- Class Conversation- Engaging in class period long conversation
- Achievement Assessments – (10% of each quarter grade) – these are quick check ins to see how you’re doing with the material that we’re studying
- Vocab can do check- Check in to see how you’re doing with our vocab
- Grammar can do check- Check in to see how you’re doing with the grammar we’re using
- Performance assessments – (90% of each quarter grade) – these are tasks where you actually use the language.
- Successful students…
- Speak French. If you want to learn how to speak French, you must speak French. The only English that should be spoken in class should be questions about “Comment dit-on…?”
- Have a good attitude about learning, meaning you want to learn, you are willing to make mistakes, and you make an effort to get better
- Are prepared: come to class with a pen/pencil and your course workbook, your laptop and charger, headphones, a notebook and any handouts.
- Are organized- keep your materials- packets/handouts, notes, assessments from previous units. This course is cumulative!
- Exercise good study skills- constantly review what we do in class, not just for assessments but daily!
- Are respectful and kind in their behavior towards other members of the class and the teacher.
- Use electronics responsibly. You should be on task (not on your phone or other apps having side conversations), not taking video/audio/screenshots, etc. See the district’s Acceptable Use Policy for further details, but if it’s not kind, don’t do it.
- Be aware also that use of Google Translate/AI constitutes plagiarism. If you need to look up vocabulary, you should be using a dictionary ( is great), and looking up individual words, not phrases. This really should be at a minimum, though. If you’re not sure, you can always ask me.
- Are in class and on time.
- Talk to me when they need help, feel confused, need something repeated, etc… I want to help you understand, improve and reach your full potential!
- Ask for help when they need it: In addition to meeting with me, the French lab is available block A on days 2, 3 and 5 to work with a teacher and there are peer tutors available (just ask me to match you up with one).
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |