Course Syllabus
Welcome to AP Statistics for the 2024-2025 school year!
MORRIS 2024 – 2025
Login to Canvas from the WHS homepage
Welcome to AP Statistics! The curriculum for this course is based on the guidelines for the Advanced Placement Exam in Statistics given on Thursday, May 8th. All students are strongly encouraged to take this exam. Scores of 3 or higher can result in credit for college courses. Check with the colleges to which you are applying for their guidelines.
Assessments given in this class will follow the AP guidelines as closely as possible. As such, you will be assessed on questions you have not seen before. You will have all of the skills necessary to answer the questions and the challenge will be to figure out which skills you need and what your solution tells you. Statistics can be a very “gray” subject in that two people could answer a question with different conclusions and both be correct if their arguments are based on sound principles. When you study, be sure that you work on problems not covered in class and that you concentrate on the methods and not the question types. There will occasionally be quizzes that will not be graded but will be corrected and commented on by me. These are chances for you to look at areas on which you still need to work without having grade pressures. There will be no retakes on tests.
Term grades will be determined by:
tests (in class and projects) (75%)
(for terms 1-3 only) quizzes (25%)
The grade for term 4 will vary because it is a short term and we will be spending all class time in preparation of the AP exam. There will still be nightly homework and grades will be assigned to completed class work but the majority of the 4th term grade will be a percentage (80%) of the previous three terms.
I will assign problems every night that will be good practice of the day’s lesson. However, you will not be assessed on whether or not you decide to complete the assignment. Doing the problems will be up to you but you will be responsible for understanding the material. Time will be set aside at the start of class to go over the problems to see if there were any questions and occasionally there will be quizzes based on the homework problems. If you choose to do the problems, you should start by writing down all of the given information and what you are being asked to find. If you do not understand a question, PLEASE, do not just skip it! Write down a sentence or two about where and why you got stuck and what information you feel would help you.
To maintain a focused and respectful learning environment, cell phones, smart watches, and other electronic devices will not be used during class time. As students enter the classroom, they will park their phones and smart watches in their assigned spaces in the back of the classroom. Students will also put their devices on Do Not Disturb mode to avoid sounds or vibrations from disrupting the class. These devices will not be accessed by students, including during bathroom breaks, without specific permission. Additional electronics, including headphones, will also not be used during class time.
Be sure you have read the Student Handbook policy on academic integrity. ANY incident of cheating will result in a grade of zero and a call home. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, copying assignments, lending assignments to be copied by others, programming graphing calculators, cheat sheets during assessments, etc. Repeated incidents could result in a zero for the course. One grade will be subtracted for every day an assignment is late.
Your attendance in this course is required. You will NOT be allowed to make up, for credit, work missed during unexcused absences or cuts. It is YOUR responsibility to get the assignments you missed and to make them up within two days of your absence. IF YOU MISS AN ASSESSMENT, you will be expected to make it up the day you return or it will become a zero. Check Canvas and your classmates for missed assignments. If I am out, I will be emailing you for what the assignment(s) is/are for class. You will be expected to complete that work prior to our next class.
Extra helps is available by appointment. Please let me know you need some help and we can set a time. All extra help is virtual even if we are in the building. You are STRONGLY encouraged to come for help as soon as you think it is needed. Do not wait until the morning of an assessment and think that you are going to be able to cover all of the material in 5 minutes.
You should be bringing to class every day your notebook, a pencil or BLACK or BLUE pen, and a graphing calculator. We may have a couple of extra texts in the classroom to use. We can't share supplies this year.
I expect this to be a safe classroom. Derogatory comments will NOT be tolerated. If you feel there is a problem that I have missed, PLEASE tell me ASAP.
Mathematics is not the dreaded subject that many people feel that it is. You all have the ability to be successful in this class and leave WHS with a strong understanding of what statistics tells us and what it doesn’t. It is not a black and white subject but is many shades of gray. As we go through the year, we will all have good days and bad days. PLEASE keep in mind that you are NOT a grade and that grades are not the be all and end all. It is about the understanding and the process you will go through over the year. Get your rest and keep healthy – THAT is what is most important and from there, the learning will come. I am here to help you. Welcome!
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |