Course Syllabus
Welcome to Geometry ACP!
Laurie Haig ~ Room 416
Classroom Engagement Expectations: Each student is an important member of the class. All students are expected to contribute to a positive, supportive and engaging classroom community.
General Expectations
- Arrive to class on time and prepared. By the time the bell rings, you should be in your assigned seat, have your materials ready (binder and pencil), and be working on the warm-up.
- No cell phones may be used during class, and all phones must be placed in the holder on your way into class. We want to be present with each other during class, and cell phones distract us from being engaged in the learning environment.
- Demonstrate respect for each other and the teacher. Everyone has the right to learn in a safe classroom environment. You are expected to conduct yourself in a respectful and polite manner, listen when someone else is speaking, raise your hand, follow directions, and respect the thoughts and feelings of others.
- Work hard, remain attentive, and participate in all class activities. You are expected to actively participate in class, to listen and take notes, and to work cooperatively with your classmates.
- Take responsibility for your learning. Ultimately, the grade you earn in this class is your own responsibility.
- Communication:
- demonstrate appropriate communication and respect with peers and teachers by actively listening to the teachers when new material is being delivered and actively listening to peers/teachers when they are asking or answering questions.
- Ask Questions when something is unclear:
- This can be during class, asking during class break or right after class, coming to an office hour or utilizing the math lab.
- Engage in the classroom culture by:
- Completing the practice opportunities assigned to you:
- Homework is assigned to give students independent practice opportunities. Homework serves as an important tool in student preparation for success during class presentations, discussions and assessments.
- Classwork is assigned as an opportunity for students to complete practice problems that reinforce student understanding of material.
- If you do not take notes or complete assignments during the allotted time period, do not expect the class to go back and re-do the lesson when you are ready. Slides and solutions are available in Canvas. If you need to review material outside of class, the math lab is a great place for this.
- Incorporate Feedback received from teacher and peers in student work.
- Formative assessment will help you assess your own learning and that of your peers. Take these opportunities to learn from your mistakes.
- You will be given opportunities to reassess course standards. Make the most of these opportunities by learning from previous feedback!
- Scientific or Graphing Calculator
- (Graphing) Notebook – recommend a 3 ring binder to keep organized
- Pencil – always recommended for math classes
Extra Help
- The Math Lab
- Math Lab is a student support that runs during a majority of class periods. Math teachers are waiting for student questions. Students can visit the Math Lab during Block A or during any other free period in their schedule (DRs or permanent dismissal). Math Lab is located in Room 452 during Block A and in Room 427 during all other blocks.
- Please use the QR code found in the helpful information module to check the math lab schedule and location: Math Lab Schedule 24-25
- Ms. Haig’s Extra Help
- I am available days 1, 2, 3, 5 &6 from 7:45 - 8:30 in room 416. If I am asked to attend a meeting during this time, the math lab is always available during this time in room 452.
Grading each term will be based on a category total points system using the following weights:
- Assessments (3 per term) = 45%
- Cumulative Assessment (1 per term) = 30%
- “Flex” Grade (higher of term assessment average or cumulative grade) = 15%
- Homework, Classwork, and Binder = 10%
Each term counts for 25% of the year grade.
[1] Any change to the term grading policy will be discussed as a class prior to implementing the change(s).
I look forward to sharing an enjoyable and productive year with you!
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |