Course Syllabus

Academic Strategies, 2024-2025

Ms. Hodges (Special Educator)

Ms. Condon (Teaching Assistant)


What is the Academic Strategies or Learning Center (LC)?

Academic Strategies takes place in the Learning Center (LC). You do not receive a letter grade for this class, but you do receive credit on a pass/fail basis.
The core purpose of this class is to help you explore and evaluate your individual learning needs while receiving support in targeted areas (or what is on your IEP).  Individual goals and objectives are central to this process.
LC is also designed to help you develop and expand your reading, writing, self-advocacy, and organizing and planning skills.


What are the policies and expectations?

Be. Here. Now - It’s easy to passively learn in classes, but the true key to learning is ACTIVE LEARNING. Where many students often sit and watch the teacher instruct, active learners take notes, write down due dates, participate by answering questions, and think of their own questions as well. You will develop the skill of being fully present. Focus by engaging.  

Adhere to the WPS Core Values (posted in the classroom, on WPS website, in the student handbook and listed below):

 Academic Excellence - Cooperative and Caring Relationships - Respect for Human Differences - Community Commitment - Student Agency


Timeliness - It’s both respectful and a super important life skill that is developed by establishing good habits. Show up on time. Hand in assignments on time. 
Bring a growth mindset and strong work ethic to class - this is how you get better at anything. 

Cell Phones - we will use the apps on your phones for organization (e.g. PowerSchool, Google Calendar, Reminders/Notes, etc.). However, it is important to keep off of distracting apps like games, social media, and the internet.  Be here now. Our classroom has a box to place your phone for distraction free time. 


What is self-reflection and why is it a part of the Learning Center?

You will spend time in LC evaluating and reflecting on your performance, goals, and plans.  This will include your use of learning strategies, study techniques, and work habits.
The process of self-reflection is designed in part to help you think more deeply about yourself and to really look at how you study, organize, and perform.  Writing about your reflections helps you to become more aware of your behaviors and outcomes.  
Self-reflection helps you to better identify your strengths and weaknesses – allowing you to better target strategies that are useful to you.
Building executive functioning skills - we will start each LC by identifying priorities and estimating the time required to complete each task. 

You will complete a reflection/metacognition sheet at least every 2 weeks, plus other related activities on a regular basis.


Academic Strategies in Grade 12

12th grade is all about independence! This year we will be practicing the following skills towards independence:

  • Checking and responding to email
  • Taking notes
  • Time management
  • Preparing for class
  • Preparing for assessments
  • Backwards planning
  • Advocating for teacher help
  • Requesting accommodations
  • Strategies for adjustments

Many students will be considering college in the near future. I am happy to look over applications and/or essays for proofreading purposes. 


Contact Information

I am available via email at any time
I am happy to set up a virtual meeting upon request

Other Contact Information

Your house office for attendance concerns
Your school counselor for scheduling /course/ college questions
Your teachers for content specific questions

Course Summary:

Date Details Due