Course Syllabus
11ACP English
Mr. Brazier
Room 227
Office Hrs: Mon 2:30-3:15
Welcome to English 32! The major objective of this course is to further develop your skills as a reader, writer, thinker, and communicator. We will study fantastic literature, looking at the texts in depth, while also using the stories to explore our world and identities. You will strive to improve your ability to express yourself orally and in writing so that you may better assert your perspective on the literature and the real world. In addition, you are expected to cooperate and communicate openly and honestly with your classmates and me, enabling us to grow and learn together.
Texts and Units by Term
Term 1 –
All Souls – Michael Patrick MacDonald
Little Fires Everywhere - Celeste Ng
Poetry Unit
Term 2 -
Song of Solomon – Toni Morrison
Macbeth – Shakespeare
Welcome to the Monkey House – Kurt Vonnegut
Term 3 –
Maus I and II – Art Spiegelman
Cyrano de Bergerac – Edmond Rostand
Short Story Unit
Unit 4 –
True Grit – Charles Portis
Essential Questions
To help guide our exploration of these works and provide some framework for discussion and connection, we will be coming back to the following essential questions:
- To what extent are we bound by our identities? How do boundaries affect human potential?
- How do social conventions about race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, health, religion, ability, age, and family structure shape practices and perceptions and define “normalcy”?
- How do authors use stylistic techniques and literary conventions to create complex layers of meaning in their work? What is the relationship among form, function, and larger commentary?
Classroom Policies and Procedures
Academic Expectations
My expectations for you are quite simple. Be to class on time and be prepared for each class. This means you have completed the reading in its entirety and you’ve taken reading notes. These notes can be as simple as a few questions you had about the reading. I also expect that you do not resort to reading a summary of the text but take the time to immerse yourself in the reading and think carefully about it. In terms of written assignments, the expectation is that you work diligently to strive to become a stronger, more confident writer. I will require that each of you will seek me out for a writing conference at least once each term. I intend to hold you to a very high standard, and I encourage you to do the same for me.
Major Assignments
There will be 3-4 major assignments each quarter. These assignments will consist of formal, critical analyses, exams, projects, presentations, personal essays, and creative writing. The length of your essays and their worth toward your final grade will vary accordingly.
I will give you a formatting guide that I expect you to follow with each writing assignment. Also, please use the Writing Lab to help brainstorm, craft, and revise your essays. When you do visit the Lab, make sure you have some specific questions for the teacher there.
I expect that major assignments will be handed in on time. If you have a good reason for an extension, you can see me in person and ask at least one day before the assignment is due. If you are late in handing in work, a full grade will be taken off for the first day and ½ grade for each day thereafter.
Class Participation
Participation in our class discussions is an essential component of your grade for this course. If you are normally a reserved person, I encourage you to strive to make your voice heard, but at the very least, pay attention and engage in our discussions. If you love to speak up, I caution you to ensure that everyone in the class is afforded the opportunity to do so. Please be respectful of others’ opinions, and consider other people’s interpretations or viewpoints.
Along with participating in class, I expect you to attend class. Please try to avoid anything that will keep you out of class.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |