Course Syllabus

Precalculus Honors Syllabus

Mr. Miller ~ Room 442


Office Hours: Wednesday's 2:30-3:30pm, and by appointment most days A block and after school. 

Course Description: Trigonometry is an important topic in this course. Associated topics, such as parametric equations, vectors, and polar coordinates are studied, as well as data analysis, sequences and series, and matrices. The study of mathematical induction and an introduction to limits serve as a transition for students who elect Advanced Placement Calculus H as their next course. Real life applications of all topics are fundamental in this course, and a graphing calculator is an indispensable tool used for investigations.

Materials Needed: Three-Ring Binder, Pencils, Ti 83/84 Graphing Calculator (see me if you cannot get one), Lined and Graph Paper

Classroom Values and Expectations: Students are expected to come to class prepared and ready to participate. All students must be respectful of each other and support each other’s learning. All school rules must be followed in class. If a student is absent from class, it is their responsibility to figure out what they missed and find time to make it up. Cell phones must be checked in at the beginning of class to allow for students to be fully present and engaged.

Student Support: Students are encouraged to work together and form study groups to support each other in their learning. Additionally, support is available in the math lab during most blocks (math lab schedule). I am available by appointment most days and will also communicate my weekly office hours for students to come by for extra help. 

Evaluation of Student Work (Grading): Grading for this class will be based on a total points system. This means that all graded assignments will have a specific point value and be totaled and averaged to result in the grade for the quarter. A typical assessment will be worth 100 points and other graded assignments will be assigned a relative point value based on the scope of the assignment. Assessments will typically be worth a total of 80-90% of the grade for the quarter. There will be a final exam for this course, which will be worth 12% of the final grade. The breakdown of grade percentages for the year is as follows:


Quarter 1: 22%

Quarter 2: 22%

Quarter 3: 22%

Quarter 4: 22%

Final Exam: 12%