Course Syllabus
If you are not able to attend Back to School night in person, please watch this video, which will give you an idea of what you and your child can expect from German 1 this year. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via email. I'm so thrilled to be a part of your and your child's experience this year!Best,Devon Ellis/Frau Ellis/Frellis |
WHS German 11
Frau Ellis
Course Expectations:
Welcome to German 11! Our goal this year is to gain a basic understanding of German language and culture and to have a lot of fun doing it!
Language of Instruction:
Our class will be conducted entirely in German, and I expect you to use German as well. I will speak German exclusively from day one. For term 1, you may use English to clarify and ask questions. However, starting term 2, you must speak German exclusively. It is important that you work hard to use everything you learn this year in order to communicate in German. We can all help each other to do this.
Notebook/Course Packet:
I require each student to have a notebook for German 1. For each unit, students will receive a Kurspaket which has all the handouts we will use (both in class and as homework) for the unit. Students must bring this Kurspaket to class every single day. The Kurspakets will serve as our textbook for the year.
Students will follow an online homework calendar for each unit. The homework calendar outlines what we will be doing in class and as homework each day. The calendar is linked in every module on our Canvas website. I strongly recommend bookmarking the homework calendar for each access. I will check any and all assigned homework and this grade will go into PowerSchool. Students are able to turn in late homework for full credit for up to one week after the due date. If we have a snow day, students are responsible for staying on-track with the homework. If there are any changes to a test or quiz date, I will update our Canvas website or reach out to students via All that being said, I do not believe in giving homework unless absolutely necessary. If the class is progressing as expected, I will not assign homework outside of studying and preparing for assessments.
The grading in the CML department is different than any other department. We have sequential grading across terms, which means the term breakdowns are as follows: Term 1--12%; Term 2--19%; Term 3--26%; Term 4--31%, with a final exam worth 12%. In addition to the sequential grading in the term, the assignments within a term are also graded sequentially. This means that whatever you do at the end of the term is worth more than you do at the beginning of the term. All point values etc are posted on Canvas and PowerSchool, and you can see your term grade at any point. If you or your parents ever have a question about your grade, you are more than welcome to contact me. Within the WL department, we also have a structured grading policy for specific assignments. Within each term, the grades are split into one of two categories: Active Engagement/Homework (10%) and Performance Assessments (90%). More detailed information about success criteria are copied below from the WHS World Language website.
Performance Target: Novice-High on the ACTFL scale
Students who successfully completed 8th grade German may not register for German 1 without prior approval from their WMS German teacher and the CML department head.
Essential Skills
(From the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for World Languages):
Interpretive Communication - Understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
Interpersonal Communication - Interact and negotiate meaning in spontaneous spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and perspectives
Presentational Communication - Present information, concepts, ideas, feelings, opinions, and perspectives to inform, explain, persuade and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers.
Intercultural Communication - Interact appropriately with others in and from another culture.
Cultures - Gain cultural competence and understanding.
Comparisons - Develop insight into the nature of language and culture to interact with cultural competence.
I can independently create a spoken or written message or participate in a conversation using novice-mid language.
I can mostly be understood by someone used to a language learner.
I use highly practiced words and expressions and can add simple details.
I use sentences, and simple questions. I begin to combine words and phrases to create original sentences.
I convey my knowledge of a few basic cultural products and practices.
My errors with targeted structures and/or word order do not interfere with communication.
I can independently create a spoken or written message or participate in a conversation using novice-high language.
I can mostly be understood by someone used to a language learner.
I use highly practiced words and expressions and can add simple details. I consistently use a variety of vocabulary from in-class resources and/or previous units.
I consistently use sentences, and simple questions. I consistently begin to combine words and phrases to create original sentences.
I convey my knowledge of a few basic cultural products and practices.
My errors with targeted structures and/or word order do not interfere with communication. I have strong control of word order and targeted structures.
Contact Information:
If you or your parents have any questions or concerns as the year progresses, you are welcome to contact me. I am available before school by appointment as well as after school from 2:30-3:30 on Wednesdays. I will always try to get back to you per email or phone within 1 working day.
Classroom: 334
Phone: (781) 466-6210 ext 4334
I truly look forward to our year together, and I hope you do too!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Frau Ellis / Frellis