Course Syllabus
Click the image below to access the syallabus!
- Daily Agendas:
- Student Handbook
- Lab Schedules -- This link contains ALL lab schedules
- Grading Policy
- Lunch Schedule-- it changes depending on what class you have!
- All materials from class will be posted under 'MODULES'
- Assignments may not be posted on Canvas -- most will be on the Daily Agenda (above) and you'll be responsible for following turn in guidelines.
- Any assignments that require a digital turn-in will be posted under 'Assignments' here on Canvas
- If you need to meet with me, check the schedule below and let me know what periods we share.
- If we don't share any periods I'm available A-block(!) and after school.
- You are also always welcome to make use of the history lab (schedule linked above).
- My office hours can be found on my schedule (below).
- I can also be found in my room for office hours Wednesdays from 2:30-3:15
Mr. Collins' Schedule
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |