Course Syllabus
Course Title: Environmental Science Level: ACP and Honors Instructor: Mr. Boody Office Hours:
Mr. Boody's Schedule:
Course Description:
Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary study of many disciplines that will examine the role of humans in the ecosystem. This course will be offered as a semester-long course. Its goal is to provide students with the scientific background to critically analyze the intricacies of the natural world, to identify key environmental problems, and subsequently provide viable solutions to resolve and/or prevent these problems. Topics shall include toxins in our environment, air and water pollution, population growth, energy consumption, and climate change. Students will participate in field trips to locations around town to demonstrate topics within the curriculum.
Course Sequence:
Course sequence may be subject to change to better suit the pacing and interests of the students. |
Sustainable Design What does sustainability mean? Ecological Footprints: Energy Sustainability How can I improve the energy practices in my life? Ecological Footprints: Food and Water Sustainability What practices can support sustainable water use and waste production? A Sustainable Climate How can sustainable practices impact climate change? |
Grading and Assessment:
Students will be asked to participate in daily activities. These may include class discussions, notes, lab work, as well as field work. It is expected that all students follow up with your instructor should they be absent. Please check the Daily Agenda carefully to see what you missed! Each major unit will consist of a capstone assignment addressing the essential questions shown above in the course sequence. Please read the directions for all Assignments carefully. Students seeking accommodations for assessments must speak with their instructor in advance of the assessment to arrange the details.
Late Work Policy:
- Students may submit any graded assignments (in class work, labs, activities, worksheets) for a unit until the unit assessment. Unless specific arrangements have been made, after the summative assessment is given for a unit all missing work will remain a zero in PowerSchool regardless of the reason missed. Credit on late assignments will be reduced in Canvas by 5% for each day late until the date of the Unit Test. IMPORTANT NOTE: Graded assignments are posted in the Daily Agenda and in PowerSchool. Students are expected to check assignments and grades often.
Course Levels:
This course is offers as Advanced College Prep (ACP) and Honors (H). To earn ACP credit students must successfully complete all assignments marked (ACP). To earn Honors credit for this course students must complete all ACP AND Honors assignments by the deadline for each Unit. Important Note: Assignments will not be accepted after each Unit Deadline.
Required Course Materials:
Students are asked to bring the following to class every day:
- A pen or a pencil
- A notebook or lined paper for notes
- A binder or folder for any handouts
- A charged laptop with headphones (earbuds) for independent work
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |