Course Syllabus



Teaching Young Children

Mrs. Bender

Rm. 111/ Child Lab



The Teaching Young Children (TYC) course focuses on the study of developmental expectations for children birth to 5 years, in order to prepare students for direct contact teaching in the Child Lab School. Students will learn and have practice with the expected developmental milestones for young children, importance of play, lesson and activity planning, and classroom management skills. Students will prepare for actual involvement with the children through course study and planning lessons for several areas including literacy, creative arts, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, math). Upon successful completion of this course students will have created a portfolio of activities that they may use when they participate in Child Study Lab.


Materials: Each student will need a 1/2” binder, 3 hole punched notebook paper, markers, scissors, gluestick


The use of cell phones and earbuds/headphones are prohibited in Rm. 111 and the Child Lab classroom.


Course Topics:

Development of children ages 0-5 years old

Importance of play


Creative Arts 



Lesson Planning

Classroom management


Grading: The course will be based on a total of 100 points. 

  • 45% Class projects (2-4 projects) 
    • Enriching a unit of lesson plans for preschoolers
    • Evaluating children's literature
    • Competing a developmental activities Webquest  
  • 40%  In-class activities (everything else)
    • Reflections and take-aways demonstrating understanding, synthesis, and piqued curiosity
    • Hands-on experiences and activities to gain insight into the lived experiences of young children
    • Review of articles, videos, and podcasts identifying key concepts
    • Observations in the Child Lab
  • 10% Assessments (1)  
    • Understanding developmental milestones 3-5 years old
  • 5% Participation
    • Comply with technology and attendance policies
    • Engage in discussions
    • Contribute to group projects
    • Turn-in assignments in a timely manner